December 5, 2021 Bible Study — Sow Generously In Order To Reap Generously

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Corinthians 9-13.

The passage begins with Paul continuing the discussion on giving which he began in yesterday’s passage.  He goes to great effort to make sure that the Corinthian Believers understand that he does not think that they need to be convinced to give, he is merely writing to remind them to gather the moneys they wish to donate.  Pastors who struggle with preaching on giving can take heart that Paul similarly struggled.  For the rest of us, what Paul writes about reaping according to how we sow.  This is one of those passages which can be hard to fully understand.  Paul is not promising that if we give generously we will become rich.  He is promising that if we give generously, God will reward us greatly.

I have always wondered how to write about Paul’s “boasting” in this passage.  I finally realized today how to express that.  Paul was telling them not to be impressed by credentials, but by the content of the speaker’s argument.  “The other guy tells you to be impressed because he is an Israelite.  So am I. Not important.”  Paul goes on from there to show that while he has every bit as good credentials as those who were trying to turn the Corinthian Believers against him, he never made a point of those because they were not important.  Those who were arguing against Paul were guilty of two logical fallacies.  First, they appealed to their own authority based on their credentials, rather than asking their listeners to evaluate the validity of their arguments.  Second, they made ad hominem arguments by claiming that Paul was trying to take advantage of the Corinthians.  Paul points out that this second attack was also hypocritical because those making them were profiting more from the Corinthians than he ever had.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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