December 28, 2019 Bible Study — Future Events Or a Description of Human Nature?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 9-12.

Every time I read this passage I try to find some part of it where I can feel confidence either that the passage is about specific events in John’s future, or that it is a figurative account of human nature.  And every time I fail to do so.  I suspect that was God’s plan.  Having said that, during the description of the aftermath of the blowing of the Sixth Trumpet John writes something which reflects human nature (although it may represent a specific event as well).  He tells us that despite experiencing the terrible tortures which came after the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets, people will not repent of their sins and turn to God.  They will continue to worship demons and idols.  I want to expand on that a bit.  Many people today would claim that they do not worship idols.  Yet, they confidently proclaim that modern technology will allow us to solve problems of human nature.  Or, they proclaim that we just need to implement the correct laws and rules.  All of this represents a refusal to acknowledge that previous attempts to solve problems in that manner resulted in murders and thefts.  They refuse to accept that sexual immorality is even a problem and dismiss the idea that witchcraft exists while practicing it in the name of science.

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