December 26, 2015 Bible Study

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Proverbs 30:32

    It is foolish to tell others how great you are, or to plot evil. But it is never too late to change your ways.


Psalm 145

    Each generation must tell the next of God’s great acts. In some ways, this is one of the toughest things for me, telling others about the miracles God has performed for me. I have known too many people whose stories made them sound gullible rather than revealing God’s power. While I know that my fear of sounding gullible is a weakness in my walk, I, also, know that God has given me the gift of reaching those who need a more intellectual approach to God. Nevertheless, I do meditate on the splendors of God and on His many miracles. I will remind those in trouble that God is close to all who call on Him.


Revelation 17

    I was reading this and realized there is an interesting statement made here about the beast. I had always known that the beast had suffered a fatal wound, yet lived. What I never really noticed was the angel telling John that the beast was once alive, but was not now alive. Yet it would live once again. The reason I find this interesting is that I am convinced that both the woman in this passage and the beast represent political entities. The woman represents the most powerful nation on the earth, particularly one which is economically mighty. If this passage were to come to fulfillment today, the woman would represent the United States.
    The beast is more difficult for me to understand. It seems to both serve the woman and to overthrow the woman. I think one thing which helps us understand the meaning of the beast is to look at what appears to be John’s understanding of this vision. I believe that John, the writer of this passage, thought that the woman was Rome and that the beast the government of the Roman Empire (although he would not have exactly meant what we think of as the government. He would have meant the behind the scenes power brokers, who had no official power, but nonetheless influenced what decisions were made and the people who were individually powerless but who, if they rejected the authority of the government as a group could have brought about its overthrow).


Zechariah 9

    Every time I read this passage I am reminded that Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem was exactly that. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey He was declaring that the victory had been won. That ride symbolized a king riding into His capital after victoriously winning a war. The war was over and the enemy was defeated.
    However, there is also a prophecy here which I believe will be fulfilled. Zechariah prophesies that the lands of Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Territories will be overrun by enemies. As a result the people of these lands will join with the people of Israel. The day will come when Jerusalem will no longer be under threat of attack.

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