December 25, 2015 Bible Study


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Proverbs 30:29-31

    I think the point here is that the dangerous often strut and posture to avoid needing to use their power. On the other hand, all of these “strutters” have the ability back up their strut. Which suggests to me that perhaps the point is that if you strut about you had better have the ability to back it up. The final possible interpretation is that the first three of these are prepared to back up their strut with their own ability, while the fourth is counting on others to make them dangerous.


Psalm 144

    I will praise the Lord because He trains me for the tasks which He sets before me. It is amazing that God pays attention to me. I am nothing compared to Him, or even to the Universe which He created. Even among human beings I am insignificant. Yet despite this, God has performed miracles for me and has prepared me for His tasks. He has reached down and rescued me when I was in despair. I will praise His name every day which I draw breath.


Revelation 16

    Next in John’s vision came seven plagues poured out over the earth in judgment of people’s sins. The first plague afflicted only those with the mark of the beast (which suggests a disease spread by the process of placing the mark). However, the most important point in this passage is that people cursed God for the plagues, yet did not repent of their sins and turned to God. I have known all too many people who blame God for the things which have gone wrong in their life rather than admit that their own mistakes and sins had led them into the situations they found themselves in.


Zechariah 8

    God promises through Zechariah that the day will come when the people of Jerusalem will walk the streets in peace. Old men and women will safely walk the streets with their canes and sit together in the city squares. The streets will be filled with boys and girls at play. When we look at the world today it seems impossible for such a time of prosperity and peace to come to pass, but nothing is impossible for God. For a long time the Jewish people have been a symbol of a cursed nation, but God promises to change that. He will make them not just a symbol of blessing, but a source of blessing. Indeed, He has already done so by sending Jesus to die on the cross, but I believe there is more to come.
    God will bring about peace in Jerusalem. However, He will not do so until the people of Jerusalem do their part. Their part is our part as well. It is to tell the truth to one another; to render just verdicts in our courts; to stop telling lies that we swear are the truth; and to not scheme against each other. If we do this, the day will come when the people of the world will travel to Jerusalem to seek the Lord. There will be peace not only in Jerusalem, but throughout the earth.

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