December 19, 2016 Bible Study — Inspired To Acts of Love and Good Works Through Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

    As a consequence of Jesus offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins we can boldly enter into God’s presence. This confidence should inspire us to acts of love and good works, performed both for their own sake and to motivate our fellow believers to such acts as well. In order to motivate other believers, and to be motivated by them, we need to meet regularly with them. Regularly meeting with our fellow believers will both encourage us to perform acts of love and good works and inspire us in new ways in which we can do such things. The more we do such things, the less time we will have to be susceptible to temptation.

    I am always inspired by this writer’s compendium of the people of faith from before Christ. He lists out many of the people of faith whose accounts we find in the Old Testament and how their faith inspired their actions and brought them miraculous results. He reminds us that the number of people who accomplished great things through faith is too long to list them all. He also reminds us that some faced terrible trials and persecutions because of their faith (usually because of the good works to which their faith inspired them). The faith of these people to whom he refers earned them a good reputation, whether they overcame mighty foes through their faith, or were persecuted by mighty foes. Those who gained great victories did not do so from their own might, neither did those whose faith stood firm in the face of persecution. Let us be inspired to have a similar faith in God’s great power.

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