December 18, 2019 Bible Study — Those Who Knew Christ and Rejected Him Will Never Turn to Him Once More

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 6-9

The writer says something here that I struggle with explaining.  Those who have known and accepted Christ and then rejected Him will never turn to Him once more.  The reason I struggle with this is that I have known some who turned away from God and then returned to be faithful servants to Him.  Yet, I also know several people who fit into exactly what the writer is describing.  They once fervently served Christ, but something happened and they chose to turn away from what they knew to be God’s will.  I still pray that I am mistaken and that the Holy Spirit will reach out and transform them, but looking at the decisions they have made I cannot see any way that they would ever return to God.  They knew the glory of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, but have chosen to reject both.  I hope with all that I am that I am wrong.

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