December 14, 2013 Bible Study — Caring For Widows

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Timothy 5-6.

    Paul gives Timothy instructions about caring for widows. I think that these instructions give us an idea about how we should care for all who are in need. The first step in caring for those in need is that we should care for those in our own family who fall into need to the best of our ability. The second aspect of Paul’s instructions on caring for those in need is that they should do everything in their power to care for themselves. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul said that those who are unwilling to work will not eat. I am a firm believer that we as a Church should seek to provide meaningful work for those who otherwise have difficulty supporting themselves.
    As I read this, Paul is saying that those who have a personal relationship with those in need should coordinate the efforts to provide for their needs, providing from their own resources as much as they are able to do so. We should only turn to the Church as a whole when the needs exceed our ability to care for them ourselves. Another point Paul makes is that those who receive assistance from the Church should, to the best of their ability, demonstrate the characteristics of Christ. If we want the Church to care for us when we are no longer able to care for ourselves we should use our talents to serve others in the Church while we are able.

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