December 13, 2016 Bible Study — Lift Your Hands In Prayer, Not In Anger

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Timothy 1-4.

    Paul instructs Timothy to stop those who teach things contrary to the truth and who waste their time on meaningless speculation. We should not spend out time debating things which do not us, or others, to live a life of faith. Instead, let us spend our time discussing things which help us, and others, have a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. The result will be that we will be filled with love for others and for God. To some degree, the sort of thing Paul is talking about is what rules, what law, we should follow. Rules of behavior, the Law, are not for those who do right. They are is intended for those who are ungodly and sinful. The Law, rules of behavior, is intended for those who do anything which contradicts wholesome teaching.

    At the end of chapter 2 Paul has instructions for Timothy regarding the role of women in the Church. He goes from there to discussing in the beginning of chapter 3 the qualifications for leadership in the Church. These two discussions are clearly linked. Paul writes that women should dress modestly. They should attract attention to themselves, not by jewelry, nor by elaborate hairstyles, nor by the clothing they wear, but by the good things they do. As I read this and started to write about it, I realized that Paul actually started this section with instructions regarding men. In verse 8 of chapter 2 (just before he writes what I just commented on about women) Paul writes that men should be in prayer, lifting up their hands without anger and argumentativeness. I believe that what Paul writes here as instruction for men and for women applies to the other sex as well. Women should be in prayer without lifting up their hands in anger and argumentativeness and men should dress modestly.

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