December 12, 2013 Bible Study — Categories of Christian Groups (Part III)

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Amos 7-9:15

     The high priest of the Northern Kingdom accused Amos of plotting against the king. He then told Amos to take his prophecies back to the Kingdom of Judah. Amos replies that he was not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. The implication here is that the priest was implying that Amos was serving the interests of the Kingdom of Judah and his prophesies were meant to encourage the people of Israel to reunite with and submit to the rule of the king of Judah. That is, Amos’ prophesies were serving a political agenda. Amos’ reply was that he had no political agenda and was merely responding to the call of the Lord.
     Amos then prophesies once more about God’s judgment on those whose only interest in religious events is when they will end so that they can go back to taking advantage of the poor. He prophesies that the day is soon coming when the spiritual malnourishment that comes from worshiping something other than God will cause the people to starve spiritually and that starvation will be as devastating as physical starvation. This spiritual starvation will lead to destruction and death. Those who are true followers of God will not be lost, but those who wallow in sin will die by violence.
     This destruction will be followed by the day when God calls people from every nation to be His people. In that day He will build His kingdom with those who serve Him, no matter what their ancestry. The descendants of Jacob have a special place in God’s heart, but so do other peoples on the earth. God may have special plans for the descendants Jacob, but He loves all people.

Christmas wreath (3)

Revelation 3:7-22

     The next category of Christian group is that of the Church in Philadelphia. They did not have much strength. Their power was limited. However, they obeyed God’s word and would not deny Him in the face of opposition. As a result of their faithfulness, God has opened a door for them and what God has opened no one can close. God has given them an opportunity to serve Him and they took it. Let us be this group. Let us recognize that we do not have much strength and must rely on God to open doors for us. I will also recognize that no one can close the doors which God opens for me. No matter what the opposition my path to serving the Lord will NOT be blocked.
     Finally we have the Church in Laodicea. They are neither hot nor cold, but merely lukewarm. I have seen different ways to interpret this. I think everyone understands the lukewarm part; they are the “go-along-to-get-along” sort. However, Christ says that He wishes they were either hot or cold. What does He mean by that? Which is which is a matter of little import, but I think He was saying that He wishes they were either those who are confrontational about their faith, “Are you Born Again?” Or those who are welcoming and gentle in their faith. The latter being those who are not judgmental about the sins of those who do not believe, but sacrifice to show them Christ’s love. God has a place in His kingdom for both sorts. For those who call out people for their sin and those who show His love to people despite their sin. I think that we are each called to sometimes be one and sometimes be the other. Further, this group is confident of their material possessions and think that this grants them security. Of the seven groups, this is the one furthest from serving the Lord. Christ tells us that even if we are here, He wants us to join Him. He is standing at the door and knocking. I pray that I am hearing Christ knock at my door and will open it to let Him in. Will you listen for His knock? Will you open the door to Him?

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Psalm 131:1-3

     I will not be proud. I will not demand that I understand all of God’s plans for me. I will calm myself and be satisfied that He has a plan. I will put my trust in God.

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Proverbs 29:23

     If we are proud, we will be humiliated. If we are humble, we will be honoured. Oh Lord, let me live in humility. I know that I am no one special. My only value is as someone who allows you to use me.

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