December 11, 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Thessalonians 1-5

I am not sure I realized how much Paul emphasized that we should stay away from sexual sins until I started reading through the Bible every year to do this blog.  I knew it was something he wrote about, but my recollection was that I thought Paul mentioned it almost in passing.  However, that is not the case.  In each of his letters which I have read so far this year, Paul makes a strong point on the importance of staying away from sexual sins.  In fact, he contrasts living a holy life with living a life filled with lust.  Further, Paul writes that, contrary to what our society teaches today, sexual sin violates God’s command to love each other.  Paul is telling us that polyamory is not love.

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