August 7, 2020 Bible Study Do Not Be Afraid To Speak The Message God Has Given You

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 1-3.

God chose Jeremiah for his ministry before he was born.  God has done the same for each and everyone of us.  For those who are young, the first message of this book is that you are not too young to speak the words which God gives you.  For all of us, God warns us not to let the fear of people stop us from speaking His word, not even of those today who will call you a homophobe, or a transphobe, perhaps even a racist, for speaking God’s word.   If you speak the message which God has given you, He will stand with you and those who seek to tear you down will fail.

The people of the United States are not the target of this prophecy, yet there are parts of it which apply.  However, elements of it apply to them.  A revival swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s where many people came to know the Lord.  A second revival swept through the country in the 1790s.  One could easily see that the people of the fledgling United States were eager to serve God.  As a result of the people eagerly serving God, the people of the United States were blessed.  But rather than continuing to seek how to serve God, we, as a people, have chosen to pursue pleasure by putting our trust in things other than God.  And just as Jeremiah said to the people of Jerusalem, there are those who claim to be faithful to God while seeking to set up the government, or wealth, or something else, in God’s place.  As a result, God is angry with people and will continue to bring punishment upon them.  However, just as Jeremiah told the people of his day, all God asks of us is that we acknowledge our guilt, not the guilt of “institutions”, not the guilt of those who went before us. No, we must acknowledge our guilt.

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