August 30, 2021 Bible Study — What Is More Important To Us Than Doing God’s Will?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 13-15.


In today’s passage, Ezekiel speaks out against false prophets.  He appears to give a separate condemnation for female false prophets than the one he gives for male false prophets.  However, his condemnations are actually against two different kinds of false prophets, those who claim to speak on behalf of God, but to whom God has not spoken, and those who claim a source for their prophetic visions other than God.  And as I think a little more about it I realize that both types of false prophet are two sides of the same coin.  The first fail to point out the sins of society and encourage people to turn to God.  The second condemn those whose sins are relatively minor and defend those who commit more destructive sins.  In both cases, they cover up what is truly wrong and make efforts to make society’s true failings look like strengths.  Ezekiel then goes on to condemn those who might think they are exempt from his previous condemnation because they do not prophecy.  He condemns those of us who turn to God for guidance while worshiping idols we have set up in our hearts.  Let us scour our hearts for those things which we have allowed to keep us from doing God’s will.  This last condemnation should hit close to home.  Just because we do not publicly worship an idol does not mean that we do not worship one, or more.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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