August 29, 2021 Bible Study — Grieve And Lament The Detestable Things Which Are Being Done

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 9-12.

Again in today’s passage Ezekiel describes a vision of the four living creatures.  He writes that they are the same beings as those described in his first vision.  Yet the picture that I draw in my head is somewhat different from the one I draw when I read the first one.  I think  that if I had the talent to put both of these “drawings” on paper I could see how they are different perspectives on the same thing, but part of me thinks that perhaps they actually appeared different to Ezekiel and he just “knew” that they were the same beings (sort of like how in dreams you know that you are some place familiar, but when you wake up and think about that place in the dream it contains elements that are different from what you know of the real place).

However, the focus of my thoughts on today’s passage come in the section before Ezekiel describes the four living creatures.  Ezekiel saw God summon six men armed with deadly weapons and one man dressed in linen with a writing kit.  God instructed the man with the writing kit to go throughout the city and mark those who grieved and lamented over the detestable things which were happening in the city.  Then God ordered the armed men to go through the city and kill everyone, except those who had been marked by the man in linen.  So, when you look at our society, do you grieve for the terrible things which people generally accept as normal and acceptable?  Do you lament the great harm being done to others in the name of “choice”?  Let us mourn for the terrible things which are being done and pray to God that He use us to transform the lives of those around us so that they choose to live according to His word.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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