August 29, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 9-12.

    Today’s passage begins with a continuation of the vision Ezekiel was having at the end of yesterday’s passage. God calls those whom He is going to send to punish the sins of Jerusalem. However, before He sends them out to mete out the judgment, He sends out someone to mark those who will not be punished. Those who grieve over the sins being committed will be so marked. As we go on in the passage we read of those who tell the people of Jerusalem that it is time to plan for a glorious future and those who think God has given them economic opportunity through the misfortune of their fellow man. Do we grieve for the sins being carried out by our fellow man? Do we recognize that others’ misfortunes are a tragedy, not an opportunity for us to get wealthy?
    I have really struggled with writing today’s blog. There is more here than what I have touched upon, but I cannot find the words to express what I see. There is a message to us in the departure of God’s glory from the Temple and then from Jerusalem, but I do not know how to express it. If nothing else, we should give some thought to what it means that the sin in Jerusalem got so bad that God removed His glory from the place He had made the center of His worship on earth.

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