August 28, 2021 Bible Study — Each One Of Those In Jerusalem Who Suffered Did So Because Of Their Own Sins

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 5-8.

Before I start to comment on today’s passage  I want to remind my readers that Ezekiel was making this prophecy from among the Jews already in Exile near Babylon.  Ezekiel reminds his listeners that God had established Jerusalem as a place to model obedience to Him, but that the people had rebelled against His laws even more than the nations which surrounded it.  Not only had the people of Israel failed to live up to the standard of righteousness to which God had called them, they had not even lived up to the standards which the nations around them met.  Looking at the ways in which Ezekiel’s condemnation of the people of Jerusalem apply to many in our society today, one could easily fear for the future, and rightly so.  However, one should also note that Ezekiel’s prophecies specify that each one of those who suffered did so because of their own sins.  Usually when I read this passage I spend some time going over the idolatry which Ezekiel describes as going on in the Temple.  All I am going to say about it today is that, according to the New Testament, our bodies are now God’s Temple and we should consider in what ways any sins which we commit resemble those which Ezekiel describes.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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