August 28, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 5-8.

    Ezekiel prophesied when time had run out for the people of Jerusalem. It was too late for them to turn to God and avoid the coming judgment. Those with wealth and prestige would not be able to protect themselves from the coming destruction. After much thought, I do not believe that we in this country have reached the point which Ezekiel is prophesying about. I believe that there is still time for people to turn from their sins, turn to God, and avoid the coming calamity. I do not believe that they will do so because I see the leaders, spiritual and otherwise, of this country in the second part of today’s passage.


    In the second part of today’s passage, Ezekiel describes a vision he had of four different groups of Jerusalem’s leaders worshiping different idols. The first group is not clearly defined. The first group appears to represent the idolatry of the general populace with the vision of the idol set up in the Temple courtyard. The next group seems to represent political leaders. The third group represents The leaders among the women of Jerusalem. The fourth group represents the religious leaders. When I look at our country today I see similar idol worship. Even among those who should be calling us to worship God I see people who are instead promoting the idols of our society and culture.

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