August 26, 2020 Bible Study No Matter How Bad Things Are Now, We Can Still Put Our Hope In God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Lamentations 3-5.

The writer tells us that in the midst of his great suffering and depression over what has happened to him, he still puts His trust in God.  Despite knowing that his suffering comes from God, his faith in God still gives him hope.  He knows that God faithfully loves those who seek Him.  In the midst of our bad times let us wait patiently for God to deliver us.  Yesterday I wrote that Lamentations is hard for me, but today there is truly a message for us.  This year may be a difficult year (although nowhere near as difficult as the situation which inspired the writer of Lamentations), but we can still place our hope in God and trust that He will bring us salvation.  No one is abandoned of the Lord forever.  He may have brought difficult times upon us in order to bring us back to Him, but if we turn to Him He will bring us joy once more.

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