August 26, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Job 20-22:30

     Now Zophar gives his second response to Job. Zophar restates the argument made by Bildad. He claims that the wicked inevitably face trials and disaster. Zophar says that the wicked will face suffering and deprivation in this life. Job replies that such is not the case, that sometimes the wicked prosper their entire lives. He says that the wicked never seem to suffer for their sins. Job asks who can confront God over this apparent injustice since God sits in judgement of even the most powerful.
     Eliphaz replies to Job yet again. This time Eliphaz makes the argument outright. He says that Job is suffering therefore he must have sinned. Eliphaz speculates that Job was guilty of a series of sins. Eliphaz tells Job that if he turns away from these sins (the only evidence he has that Job has committed them is that Job is suffering), God will take that suffering from him. This is a classic example of something we should not do. We should not cast judgement on people based on what is happening to them. We should judge people based on what they do, not on their circumstances in life. You should judge them on their actual actions, not the appearance. You should not judge a fellow Christian because you saw his car in a strip club parking lot. You should go to him and find out why his car was in the parking lot. Perhaps it broke down and that was the closest place to get it off of the road.

2 Corinthians 1:1-11

     Today I begin reading 2 Corinthians. Paul starts off this letter by offering praise and thanks to God for the comfort He has given to him in the suffering he has experienced. Paul says that God comforts us so that we can offer comfort to others. Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians that he, and those with him, had experienced troubles beyond their ability to endure. Things got so bad that they expected to die. As a result of these troubles they stopped relying on themselves and they began to fully (and only) rely on God. Paul tells the Corinthians that God did rescue them from death and expresses his confidence that God will continue to do so. Paul, also, emphasizes the importance of praying for those who are facing troubles. He tells us that such is a help to those enduring trials.
     The contrast here between how Paul views suffering and the ways that Job’s friends viewed it is stark. Paul tells us that as we face trials, God will give us comfort and the strength to face them. We can then take that comfort and share it with others who experience suffering and trials. Reading this now seems so appropriate. A couple that grew up in the congregation I am part of recently experienced the death of their daughter. They had left our congregation 10-15 years ago to go into prison ministry. I know that this situation must be breaking their hearts, yet I also know that they are comforted by the outpouring of prayers that they are receiving from all over. I do not know how, but I know that God will offer them comfort in this situation and that they will use this comfort in their ministry to those who are facing their own trials.

Psalm 40:11-17

     It has not been often that I have seen a thread run through the passages I read each day, but today there is indeed such a thread. We have the passage from Job where Job and his friends struggle with finding the meaning of suffering. Then we have the passage from 2 Corinthians where Paul tells us that God will comfort us in times of trouble if we fully rely on Him. Now we have the psalmist crying out to God in the midst of his troubles. He declares that those who seek the Lord should rejoice and be glad in God’s mercy. We should shout out our praise of God for all to hear. We must acknowledge our need and accept that only through the hand of God can we be helped and saved.

Proverbs 22:2-4

     Well, the thread does not quite continue into today’s proverbs. We are all God’s creations. This means that we should reject attempts to dehumanize others, whether they be rich or poor. We should make plans to deal with future dangers to the best of our abilities. If we are humble and fear the Lord, He will provide for our needs and more.

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