August 25, 2021 Bible Study — Are We Like The False Prophets Who Failed To Call Out the Sins of Jerusalem?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Lamentations 1-2.

The prophet mourns over the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of her people.  I am unsure what lessons we should take from this passage.  The passage laments the prophets who made false and misleading prophecies, who failed to expose the sins of the people of Jerusalem.  Those prophets were accessories in the guilt of bringing this suffering on to the people of Jerusalem.  Let us not be complicit in the sins of the people around us, and the suffering they will experience because of them, in a similar manner.  Certainly, there are many “prophets” today who not only refuse to expose the sins of our society, but encourage people to commit them.  God will not overlook the sins of such prophets, let us faithfully call people to worship and obey God.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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