August 25, 2016 Bible Study — Grieving Over Those Who Suffer God’s Judgment

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Lamentations 1-2.

    I have always struggled to understand the lessons to be learned from the Book of Lamentations. However, there are a few things which come to me as I read this. The author laments the terrible suffering which the people of Jerusalem experienced. He is no less sad because he knows that they brought this suffering on themselves. The only answer for the people of Jerusalem is for them to grieve for their sins and cry out to God. Let us pour out our hearts in grief to God for our sins before we suffer the consequences of our sins and grieve for the suffering those consequences bring.
    Just as the author of Lamentations grieved for the suffering of the people of Jerusalem, we should grieve for the suffering of those around us. We should not rejoice when the wicked receive the consequences of their wicked acts. Instead we should sorrow that anyone should experience such suffering.

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