August 24, 2018 Bible Study — The Fate of Those Who Worship What They Have Created Rather Than the One Who Created Them

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 51-52.

    Jeremiah predicted the fall of Babylon before that nation had even reached its peak. I read this passage as saying that Babylon’s fall was built into her rise. While God used Babylon to punish the people of Israel, the people of Babylon sinned in the abuse they heaped upon them. Babylon rose to power because of the corruption of the nations surrounding her. But Babylon was no less corrupt and evil than these other nations. In the middle of Jeremiah’s prophecy of the fall of Babylon he compares the futility of idol worship to worshiping God. The fall of Babylon resulted from the fact that the people of Babylon worshiped what they had created instead of the One who had created them. Any society which puts greater importance on what its people have created than on God will suffer the same fate. I see people who do this all around me. It seems to be a human tendency.
    I had mentioned in a previous blog that Jeremiah’s prophecies against Jerusalem could be taken as treasonous. Today we see that he made similar prophecies against the nation which he said would bring about Jerusalem’s fall.

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