August 23, 2019 Bible Study — How To Make Yourself God’s Enemy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 49-50.

Today’s passage contains some of Jeremiah’s prophecies against the nations surrounding Judah.  These prophecies condemn them for their idolatry.  My first thought as I read Jeremiah’s prophecy against Ammon was of the Muslim Arabs living in lands which Jeremiah would have considered part of Israel’s land.  God promised the destruction of Ammon for its idolatry, but also promised to restore its people after a time.  I am really hesitant to apply Old Testament prophecies to the modern world because I have seen so many people read their own understanding of the world back into these prophecies and then use them to support their own bias.  We should instead seek to discover God’s message for us in these passages.  Which leads me to the following point: these prophecies have one common thread.  All of the nations Jeremiah prophecies against held enmity towards God’s chosen people.

When Jeremiah speaks of the fall of Edom, he tells us that in the midst of the death and destruction God will protect the orphans and the widows.  This reflects a theme which comes up again and again in the Old Testament.  God comes to the defense of the powerless when the powerful abuse them.  We should take two things away from this.  If we use whatever power we have to take advantage of the powerless we make ourselves God’s enemies.  When we help those in need, we act on God’s behalf.

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