August 23, 2018 Bible Study — Reading the Winds of Change and Listening to the Holy Spirit

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 49-50.

    Today’s passage contains some of Jeremiah’s prophecies against lands other than Judah. Reading these prophecies leads me to conclude that to a large degree Jeremiah saw the way things were going in the world. He recognized that the peoples of the surrounding lands would, just as the people of Judah did, think that they could stand up to Babylon when, in fact, they could not. He recognized that the various peoples would resist the Babylonian domination until Babylon exercised its power and destroyed them. However, he also recognized that Babylon would be so tyrannical in its rule that when another power rose Babylon would be utterly destroyed. While it seems to me that Jeremiah was an unusually astute interpreter of the times in which he lived, he also received insight about what was to come from God.

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