August 17, 2018 Bible Study — God’s Instructions Are Written On Our Hearts

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 31-32.

    When I read Jeremiah’s prophecies concerning the restoration of the Children of Israel to the land God promised them I cannot help but think of the founding and establishment of the modern state of Israel. Jeremiah speaks of the people of Israel being gathered from all over the world by God, which happened in the founding of modern Israel. When I read about the deep anguish and bitter weeping in Ramah I am reminded of the Holocaust. But in the following verses I am reminded of the establishment of modern Israel in 1948 and the successes of that state following its founding. All of this strikes me as a fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy. However, Jeremiah’s prophecy also foretells that the people of Israel will all turn back to God and worship Him and I do not see that happening in the modern state of Israel. So, this prophecy concerns more than just the establishment of the modern state of Israel. God promised that the people of Israel would be restored to His land, and they have indeed been restored. But there is more to this prophecy than that.

    Jeremiah tells us that God would establish a new covenant, not just with the Children of Israel but with all of the people of Earth. God will write His instructions on the hearts and deep within the minds of those who enter into His covenant. No one will need to rely on someone else to teach them God’s commands. Each and everyone of us can read and understand God’s instructions for ourselves. We do not need to rely on people of special learning to teach us the hidden secrets of God. God’s secrets are only hidden from those who refuse to see them. Do not rely on what others tell you about the Bible, read it for yourself.

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