August 16, 2021 Bible Study — God Has Plans For His People To Prosper

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 28-30 .

I want to focus on Jeremiah’s message to the Exiles already in Babylon before the destruction of Jerusalem.  They were foreigners there, but Jeremiah tells them to settle in.  He tells them to pray for Babylon, and the Babylonians, because the prosperity of that land would be their prosperity as well.  He tells them to become a part of the land in which they live, but he does not tell them to be assimilated.  They are to remain God’s people and faithful to God. This message applies to us as well.  We should live as foreigners in the societies in which we dwell, but we should seek the best for those among whom we live.  Jeremiah goes on to tell them that God has plans for them, another message which I am convinced applies to us today.  God has plans for us to prosper, but those plans require us to call on Him and willingly serve Him.  Finally, Jeremiah gives them a message which I believe applies to everyone.  Those who seek God with all of their heart will find Him.  They will discover that He has plans for them to prosper as well.  We need to seek Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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