August 14, 2018 Bible Study — When Even Our Religious Leaders Abuse Their Power

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 23-25.

    Our society toady is fast heading towards being just like the people to whom Jeremiah prophesied in today’s passage. Many of our leaders are encouraging division among us rather than acting to unite us. More and more people choose to do evil, and it seems like everyone who has any power whatsoever is abusing it. Even many of our religious leaders are revealed as wicked. Rather than call people to follow the Lord, they are telling those who follow their own selfish desires that no harm will come to them. It makes you wonder if these religious leaders have ever known God. Those who have truly heard what God has to say will be calling for people to turn from their sins. They will challenge the assumptions of our society. They will call on people to help the poor, rather than on the government to force them to do so. They will seek to heal those who are suffering from mental disorders rather than telling them that their delusions are real. They will call on people to treat each other as children of God rather than as objects to satisfy our own desires. I want to go back to something Jeremiah said near the beginning of this passage. Everyone does evil and abuses what power they have. When those who do not abuse their power are the exception God’s judgment will not be long in coming.

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