August 13, 2021 Bible Study — Can You Be Silent When God Commands You To Speak?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 19-22.


In today’s passage, Jeremiah speaks of how he tried to avoid being persecuted for speaking God’s word.  After being persecuted for speaking God’s message to the people of Jerusalem, Jeremiah tried keeping a low profile and not speaking of the coming destruction.  However, he found that he was unable to do so, he felt compelled to speak out against the sins and injustices he saw going on around him.  He could not listen to others proclaiming that all would be well when he knew that if the people did not change their ways destruction would come upon them. Despite the fact that part of him wished he had never been born, Jeremiah praised the Lord.

Today I am again struck by the fact that despite Jeremiah repeatedly saying that the destruction of Jerusalem was inevitable, he also says that it can be avoided.  Jeremiah tells them that if they do what is just and right, kings of David’s line will continue to rule in Jerusalem.  His prophesies that death and destruction are inevitable come from his awareness that they will NOT do what is just and right.  He knew that the people of Jerusalem would not turn from their sins.  We are approaching the same place in this nation.  But even once that place is reached, there is hope for individuals.  Let us turn from our sins and seek to call others to do the same.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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