August 12, 2018 Bible Study — Keep The Sabbath Holy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

    In today’s passage Jeremiah confronts the people of Jerusalem about their failure to maintain the Sabbath. I remember a time when almost no one in this country did business on Sunday. Not only were most businesses closed, but most people chose not to frequent those which were open. Little by little people made exceptions for themselves for certain kinds of businesses, until now there are few people who set aside a day where they do not ever do business. The change has been both on the business side and on the consumer side. Years ago few businesses were open on Sunday and few people would have done business with them if they were. Today, few businesses are closed on Sunday and there are few people who refuse to do any business on that day. My limited observations suggest that few businesses actually do more business by being open on Sunday. I worked for a store that made the transition from being closed on Sunday to being open on Sunday. The result was that their Saturday sales volume dropped by about the amount of Sunday sales they gained, perhaps a little more. I am not sure where I am going with this, except to say that each one of us should set aside a day where we do not do business, where we focus on serving God. That day does not need to be Sunday (or Saturday).

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