August 10, 2021 Bible Study — Fear No One, And Nothing, Aside From God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 10-12.

Since I was on vacation from July 31-August 9 I have already written my blog posts for these days and scheduled them to be posted.  This is the last of those written before my vacation and my normal schedule will resume tomorrow. Please continue to visit my site to read my daily devotional.

Today’s passage begins with Jeremiah repeating a message which Isaiah had previously stated: we need not, and should not, fear the “gods” created by humans.  They can do us neither harm nor good.  Instead, we should fear the Lord Almighty, who made all that is.  He is the One who holds our lives in His hand.  Every one who does not worship Him is senseless and without knowledge.

Throughout the Book of Jeremiah, God tells Jeremiah, “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.”  This has bothered me until today (well, it still bothers me a bit) because I believe we should pray for all of those around us.  However,  today I realized that we have to interpret this in context.  Jeremiah was to stop praying that people not experience the sufferings which were coming their way because of their sins, but he was allowed to pray that they turn from their sins.  In the same way, we should not pray for our non-believing friends to avoid the suffering which comes from their sins, we should pray that they turn to God and repent of their sins.

There is one last point from today’s passage I want to write about. At the time Jeremiah gave these prophecies, some powerful people told him to stop spreading such “lies”.  We know from later in this book that they accused him of spreading misinformation.  God told him to ignore their threats because He would punish them. God promised to bring disaster upon those threatening Jeremiah for speaking the words which God had given him.  In the same way, there are those in positions of power today who threaten those who speak God’s word.  In all but a few parts of the world, those threats do not include death, at least, not yet, but the attempt to silence those who speak God’s word has begun.  Let us not fear those who make such threats, because God will punish them and will hold us to account for the message He has given us.


who are threatening to kill you, saying, “Do not prophesy in the name of the Lord or you will die by our hands”— 22 therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says: “I will punish them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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