August 10, 2020 Bible Study We Are Fools If We Do Not Seek Knowledge From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 10-12.

Jeremiah reminds us that the entire human race is foolish and has less knowledge than any of us believe about ourselves.  We worship things which we have made with our own hands, rather than worship the One how made everything.  We look to the stars to predict the future, despite knowing that what we see of the stars comes from long ago.  Our lives are not our own, so let us strive to follow the path which God has laid out for us.  Let us cry out to the Lord now for mercy, for Him to transform us, because He is bring His judgement and when that day arrives it will be too late.   Let us not be like the wicked to whom Jeremiah refers, who had God’s name on their lips, but whose hearts were far from Him.

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