August 10, 2016 Bible Study — The Futility Of Man Made Gods

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 10-12.

    Jeremiah points out the futility of relying on gods made by our fellow man (or by ourselves). We need not fear such gods, they can neither harm us nor help us. God is the only god we should fear, because only He has the power to bring us help or pass judgment upon us. Unlike all other gods, God was not made up in the mind of man. He created all that exists. Everything else that we might worship, idols, sports teams, material goods, nations, etc. are lies. They will not help us in times of trouble, nor will they bring us happiness.


    How have things gotten so bad? The leaders of the people no longer seek God’s wisdom, instead they believe that they can lead the people according to their own desires. Whether we are leaders or just common folk our lives are not our own. God has planned our lives out to serve His purposes. I know that I will not always act according to His plans and He will need to correct me. And I seek His correction, I just pray that He does so gently. However, if we do not respond to His gentle corrections He will use more strenuous means to compel us to His plan.

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