August 1, 2018 Bible Study — God Commands Us Not To Be Afraid

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 43-47.

    Today’s passage starts with a comforting command from God, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name, you are MINE.” (emphasis added) We belong to God. He has called each one of us by name. When we go through troubles, God will be with us. He does not promise that we will not face troubles, but when we do we can be sure that He will be at our side. We have been made for His glory and He claims us. This promise applies to all who claim Him as their God. Those who claim God as their God know that He alone is God. We have been chosen to know God, to believe in Him, and to know that He alone is God. He has chosen us and will blot out our sins. He has blotted out our sins. Let each of us proudly proclaim, “I belong to the Lord.”

    God alone is God. There is no other God. There is none like Him. Those who worship something, anything, other than God are fools. Isaiah gives us the example of those who worship objects which have been created. Whether the object is carved from wood or forged from metal, it has no more power than the wood we burn for fuel or the metal we shape to shovel our trash. However, the logic which Isaiah uses here can be applied to other things which people worship as well. Some people worship an organization, thinking that some organization can save them. Perhaps they think that it is the government, or maybe even a Church group. They recognize the failings of humankind, but somehow think that this or that organization made up of humans can redeem them from their lot. I will use those who worship the government as an example. They say that we need the government to save us because the people who run corporations are greedy and evil. They never see that the government is also composed of people. Why would I think that the people who run corporations are greedy and evil, but the people who run the government are not? Whenever we put our trust into something other than God, we run into the same issue. The government cannot save us. The Church cannot save us. Only God can save us.

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