August 1, 2016 Bible Study — There Is None Like God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 43-47.

    Today’s passage spends quite a bit of time telling us how foolish it is to worship idols. I have some friends who worship idols in the sense this passage is talking about. Some of them worship the Norse gods and some worship the older Germanic gods which the Norse gods were derived from. Those whom I have heard speak about it know that these gods are not real in the way we think of God as real, but then they do not think that God is real either. As best I understand what they believe, they believe that their gods are social constructs which have power commensurate with how much they believe in them and to a degree commensurate with how many people believe in them. My feeling is that their belief is an attempt to gain control over the world around them. After all, their gods only have power in as much as they give them that power, so their gods are dependent upon them, and their fellow believers. Isaiah tells us that it is foolish to worship a god (or gods) which has no power that we did not give it. If we have the power to do the things which we call upon the gods to do, why do we need the gods? However, God has power which did not come from me, or anyone else. God has demonstrated His power to those willing to see.

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