April 4, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 18-20.

    Every time I read this passage I feel bad for Jonathan. All of the accounts we have of Jonathan portray him as a good man with great faith. Yet, because of his father’s failings, he died in battle so that David could become king. The contrast between Saul and Jonathan is interesting. Saul is jealous of David. He justifies his attempts on David’s life by stating that David will become king in Jonathan’s place. Yet, when Jonathan defends David, Saul attempts to kill Jonathan. Jonathan, on the other hand, recognized how God was with David and was willing to be second to David.


    Another thing which always strikes me in these passages is Saul’s fits of rage. On one occasion, Saul attempted to kill David in a fit of rage, yet a short time later, David is once more in Saul’s favor and being assigned important tasks. In a similar manner, Saul attempted to kill Jonathan, his own son. Yet Jonathan remained his second in command and heir. I think these fits explain why Saul’s dynasty ended with him. However, I also believe that there is a connection between these fits and Saul’s failure to obey God described in earlier passages. It was Saul’s lack of trust in God which led him to have such an explosive temper.

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