I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 5-7.
Today’s passage contains accounts of several miracles performed by Elisha. In one of those stories, the king of Aram sent an army to capture Elisha. When Elisha’s servant saw the army, he was frightened. Elisha reassured him by telling him that their were more on their side than against them, and then asking God to allow him to see. There are times when we will feel like Elisha’s servant did that morning, when we feel like their is overwhelming force mustered against us. God assures us that the forces on our side will always outnumber those against us. Let us especially bear this lesson in mind in today’s age, when many in our society are trying to convince us that evil and perversion are winning hearts and minds everywhere.

The other account I want to look at closely is the story about the siege of Samaria. Things were bad in Samaria, so bad that a woman cooked and ate her own child. The king of Israel confronted Elisha, questioning what point there was in having continued faith in God. Elisha’s answer was that, as bad as things were today, by tomorrow food would be available in abundance. The officer with the king said that such an event was not possible, even for God. Again, we may find ourselves in similar situations where all hope seems lost, but we must not lose faith in God’s power, not even when those around us tell us that there is no hope. Evil will not triumph, no matter how dire the situation may seem. The king’s officer told Elisha that what he prophesied in God’s name was not possible, he lived to see that he was wrong, but not long enough to benefit from the change. Do not be like that officer.