April 24, 2018 Bible Study — Do Not Listen to Others When They Contradict What We Have Heard From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 13-14.

    Today’s passage starts with a story about a man of God who was sent to prophesy against Jeroboam because Jeroboam had led the Northern Tribes into idolatry. God had commanded the man of God not to eat or drink until he had returned to Judah. So, the man of God declined Jeroboam’s invitation to dine with him. However, on his way home another prophet overtook him and told the man of God that an angel had appeared to the second prophet instructing him to bring the man of God home with him to dine. The writer tells us that the second prophet was lying, although we do not know what his motives were. I do not know why the man of God took the second prophet’s word for this, but it cost him his life. We must be careful not to accept the guidance of others when it contradicts what God has revealed to us directly, no matter how godly those others may appear to us. This does not mean that God will not sometimes reveal His will to us through others. It just means that we have to not let the words of men override clear instructions we have received directly from God.

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