April 22, 2018 Bible Study — A Promise and a Warning

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 9-10.

    Sometime after the dedication of the Temple God appeared to Solomon to give him the answer to his prayer. God told Solomon that He would watch over the Temple because it was dear to His heart, but a bit later He tells Solomon that, if he or his descendants abandon the worship of God, He will reject the Temple and make it an object of mockery. It will become an object lesson to all peoples.
    As I mentioned yesterday, the New Testament tells us that each of us has become a Temple. As such, the promises and warnings which God made to Solomon apply. If we follow God with integrity and godliness, He will establish us for all eternity. But if we abandon God, He will make us objects of scorn and mockery, an example of what goes wrong for those who turn away from God.

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