April 18, 2020 Bible Study — What Really Tells You Who Cares

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 2-3.

I like the insights into the politics of ancient Israel, and really into politics in general, which one gets from the way King Solomon solidified his reign by dealing with those whose loyalty to himself, or to his father, were questionable.  I also like the way in which Solomon acknowledged that no one person could know enough to rule over a numerous population; that the only way he could successfully rule Israel was with God’s guidance.

However, I really love the insight into judging people which his ruling in the dispute between the two women who both claimed to be the mother of the baby.  The woman who wanted the baby to live was the child’s mother, regardless of whether the child came out of her womb or not.  Let us care more for the well-being of others than for our own selfish desires.

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