Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 14-15.
When the Israelites heard the reports from the spies, they listened to the ten with negative reports rather than to the two, Caleb and Joshua, who argued that God would give them the land. The other ten spies argued that the people of the land were too powerful for the Israelites. Caleb and Joshua did not argue that the other ten were overestimating the people of the land. Their argument was that they were underestimating God. The first lesson we learn is that just because the overwhelming majority believe an argument does not make it the right choice. Ten out of twelve argued, “We can’t attack the people of this land. They are too strong for us.” Two argued, “But they are not too powerful for God.” We must not allow ourselves to make the same mistake that the Israelites made. We must never believe that our God is not strong enough to overcome the obstacles to what He has promised us. After all, the Israelites had witnessed what God did to bring them out of Egypt. They had witnessed what He had done during their time so far in the wilderness, despite their repeated disobedience to Him. I have seen God’s power, I will believe that He can deal with whatever is between me and that which He promises me.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.