October 25, 2024 Bible Study — Consider Carefully How You Listen

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 8.

I think I wrote about this a few days ago, but I was really struck by how Jesus said “Therefore, consider carefully how you listen,” right after telling His disciples that there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed.  He follows that by saying that those who have will be given more, and those who do not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.  This begins when His disciples asked Him what the Parable of The Sower meant.  Before explaining the parable to them He tells them that the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of God had been given to them, but that others though seeing would not see and though hearing would not understand.  Jesus tells us that one does not light a lamp in order to hide the light from the lamp.  Instead, one lights a lamp in order to illuminate an area.  Further, the purpose of the lamp is to provide light to everyone who enters the room.  As a result, that which was hidden in the dark is revealed.  Then Jesus extends His metaphor by telling us that what is concealed will be brought out into the open.  This leads me to realize that Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of God.  By the light of His presence God is going to reveal that which is hidden in the dark, and He is going to drag out into the light that which is concealed behind various means of obfuscation, whether that is words which seem to mean one thing but mean another, or hidden behind walls.  Which brings me back to being careful how we listen and to those who do not have losing what they think they have.  As I look at this, I think about people who listen closely, but only hear what they want to hear.  I think that is what Jesus is talking about when He says be careful HOW you listen.  It’s important that we put aside our preconceived notions and listen to what God is actually saying to us.  We need to listen to the entire message, not just the parts we like.  One result of not listening correctly can be seen in those today who focus on the “God is love” part of the message and dismiss the parts which require us to be disciplined.  In time, they start to lose an understanding of what God’s love is and think it is an excuse to do whatever we think best at the moment.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.