July 30, 2024 Bible Study — God’s Enemies Repeatedly Demonstrate Their Lack of Understanding

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 36-38.

I love the various accounts of Sennacherib’s aborted invasion of the Kingdom of Judah.  Today I want to look at how Sennacherib’s field commander pretended at first to have some respect for God, while demonstrating a complete lack of understanding about what God commanded His people.  Often today the enemies of those who serve God use similar tactics.  First, he refers to the Pharaoh of Egypt “splintered reed of a staff,” echoing the warnings prophets repeatedly gave against relying on Egypt.  Then he questions Hezekiah’s claim that God would defend Jerusalem based on the fact that Hezekiah had dismantled the shrines throughout the land in order to insist that people worship God in Jerusalem.  This shows that the field commander is not aware of God’s command to the Israelites that they worship Him at a central location.  However, when Hezekiah’s advisors asked him to speak in Aramaic rather than Hebrew, he reacts by calling to the people on the wall that no other god was able to save their people, therefore God will be unable to save His people.  By doing this, the field commander reveals that his original argument questioning Hezekiah’s faith was disingenuous.  He did not believe that God would hold Hezekiah’s actions against Hezekiah because he did not believe God had any power.  In the same way, many people today make arguments against how Christians practice their faith based on a misunderstanding of what Christians believe, and then reveal they don’t actually think the argument matters anyway because they do not believe that God exists.  Sennacherib followed up his field commander’s blasphemy with a letter supporting it.  God responded to the arrogance of the Assyrians by reminding His people that He had planned, and had His prophets declare, their actions long before they had arisen as a power.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 29, 2024 Bible Study — A King Has Come Who Opens the Eyes of Those Who Want to See

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 32-35.

In Chapter 6 Isaiah prophesied that the people would “be ever hearing but never understanding, be ever seeing but never perceiving.”  In today’s passage he prophesies that a king will reign in righteousness then the eyes of the people will be opened and they will listen with their ears.  When that king reigns the fearful will gain confidence, fools (remember, the word translated as fools implies that they are morally deficient) will no longer be called noble, and scoundrels will not be respected.   Look at the world around us and tell me you do not look forward to the reign of the King.  We need to ask ourselves if we can dwell with the consuming fire which this King brings?  Can we walk righteously and speak what is right?  I know the answer for me is a resounding “No”.  Yet, God is coming and when He comes the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the lame will not just walk, but leap.  I just preached a sermon yesterday* on Matthew 19 and as I read this I am reminded of what Jesus told His disciples about entering the Kingdom of Heaven: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  I put my hope in that, with God all things are possible.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.