January 12, 2024 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 33-35.

One of the aspects of the story about what happened in Shechem to Jacob’s daughter Dinah is that we get no idea about Dinah’s feelings in the situation.  Would she have liked to marry Shechem?  Would she have been receptive to his pursuit if he had not chosen to force her?  What was her life like after this?  All we know about her after this is that she accompanied the rest of Jacob’s family when they went to Egypt.  Another aspect of the story is that it was Simeon and Levi who put the men of Shechem to the sword after they circumcised themselves.  The passage mentions that they were Dinah’s brothers as if that explains why they, and none of Jacob’s other sons, took revenge on the men of Shechem for Dinah’s defilement.  Even if you consider that Dinah was Leah’s daughter, and so full sister to Simeon and Levi, Leah had four other sons, who would also have been full brothers to Dinah.  Now I can easily understand why Issachar and Zebulun were left out of this.  They were much younger than Simeon and Levi, but the description of their births suggests that Reuben was only a little older than Simeon, and Judah about the same amount younger than Levi (I would guess that the four were each born about a year apart).  So, why didn’t Reuben and Judah take part in avenging their sister?  I don’t know the answer to that, but I will note that it was Reuben and Judah who later took leadership roles among the brothers concerning Joseph (both when the brothers betrayed him and later when they encountered him in Egypt).

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 11, 2024 Bible Study — Why Does This Passage Mention That Rachel Stole Laban’s Household Gods?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 31-32.

My first thought reading this was, “Why did Rachel steal her father’s household gods?”  I spent some time thinking about that and trying to come up with something to write about that question and its answer.  However, as I thought about it some more it struck me that this account of Rachel stealing Laban’s household gods conflicts with the idea that the Book of Genesis was composed in the eighth century BC (or even that it was composed in the ninth or tenth century BC…note that in BC higher number centuries come before lower numbered centuries).  Further, the fact that this passage records that Rachel stole Laban’s household gods suggests that the story being told here reflects actual events.  As we read the story here, its primary message is about how God looked out for Jacob, protected, and blessed him.  Why would someone, who believes that there is only one God, making up a story to tell that message include that his favored wife stole her father’s idols?

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 10, 2024 Bible Study — The Work Which Goes Along With God’s Blessings Is Part of His Blessing

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 29-30.

There ae multiple places in the Bible where it tells us of a man with more than one wife at a time, most of the time that man serves God.  Consistently, the home life of the man involved is unhappy.  The example of Jacob with Leah and Rachel is no exception.  However what I want to primarily cover today is the way in which Leah named her first four sons.  When Reuben was born, Leah said (paraphrasing),  “The Lord has seen my misery, now Jacob will have to love me.”  When Simeon was born, she said, “Because I am not loved, God gave me a second son.”  When Levi was born, she said, “I have given Jacob three sons, now he will finally love me.”  Then when Judah was born, Leah said, “I will praise the Lord.”  With each of the first three, they were a means to an end.  With each, she saw them as a means to gain love from her husband.  When Judah was born, Leah praised God for him.  Not for what he would bring her, or how it would improve her relationship with her husband: she praised God for giving her another son.  You might think that this suggests that she loved Judah more than the first three, but that is not how I read it.  When Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were born, she thought they were blessings because of how they would change her relationship with Jacob. By the time Judah was born, Leah realized that each of her sons was a blessing to her, in and of themselves.   In the same way, we often see God’s blessings to us in terms of how they will change our place in the world.  In actuality, most of God’s blessings to us have value without changing anything else.  Initially, Leah saw the tasks she needed to do to take care of her babies as the price she had to pay to receive the blessings which they would bring.  By the time Judah was born she realized those tasks were part of the blessing.  In the same way, we should view the work which goes along with whatever blessing God gives us as part of that blessing, because it is.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 9, 2024 Bible Study — Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 26-28.

Usually I try to write about spiritual lessons from the passage which I read. but today I just have some thoughts.

Why did Rebekah conspire with Jacob to trick Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing intended for Esau?  We were told in yesterday’s passage that Isaac loved Esau because Esau was a hunter of wild game and Isaac loved eating wild game, and we were told that Rebekah loved Jacob.  However,  the passage did not explain Rebekah’s love for Jacob.  It seems likely that Esau’s Hittite wives played a role in Rebekah’s preference for Jacob.  Actually, I suspect that the aspects of Esau’s personality which led him to take not one, but two Hittite wives contributed to Rebekah favoring Jacob over Esau.  Another question this passage raises: why wasn’t Isaac upset that Jacob had tricked him into giving him the blessing he intended for Esau?  Perhaps he was and the account just doesn’t mention it.  However, I think it likely that while Isaac loved Esau he was also disappointed in him.   After all, Abraham, Isaac’s father had arranged his marriage, but the passage suggests that Esau did not even consult his father before marrying two women whom neither of his parents liked.  Even after Isaac sent Jacob to Rebekah’s family to find a wife, Esau did not consult with his father over Isaac’s unhappiness with his wives.  Esau just went and married one of Ishmael’s daughters.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 8, 2024 Bible Study — Why Did Abraham Send His Servant to Get a Wife for Isaac? Why Not Just Send Isaac?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 24-25.

There are two questions which always cross my mind when I read the account of Abraham sending his servant to get a wife for Isaac.  First, why was Abraham so adamant that Isaac not marry a Canaanite woman?  Second, why was it even more important that Isaac not go back to the country from which Abraham came?  There is a simple answer to the second question, although I’m not convinced it is complete.  Abraham’s father had started the leave the land to which Abraham did not want Isaac to return, but got sidetracked.  Only for Abraham to resume the journey and come to Canaan, a land which God promised to his descendants.  So, we conclude that Abraham did not want Isaac to reverse the journey which he had taken.  Canaan was the land which God had promised to Abraham and he did not want his son to leave that land.  So, that answers that question.  Except that it seems to me that there is more to it than that.  Which brings us to the first question.  Again, there is an easy, simple answer: Abraham did not want Isaac to get assimilated into the culture of the land of Canaan.  He wanted Isaac to raise a family with the values which Abraham had brought with him from his home.  That works, but once again it feels like there is more to it than that.  I feel like the answers I mentioned above are not wrong, but I think that they are incomplete.  Unfortunately, I do not know what the complete answer is.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 7, 2024 Bible Study — God Will Provide

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 21-23.

I try to find something new to write about these passages each year as I go through them another time, but sometimes, such as today, I find an idea from a passage which I have written about before seems like what I should cover again this year.  So, I am going to write about when Abraham took Isaac to sacrifice him to God.  First, the accounts around this indicate that Abraham was involved with the culture around him, even though he was not part of it.  Our knowledge of that culture suggests that child sacrifice was not uncommon among them.  So, this gives us the context for Abraham receiving the instruction to sacrifice Isaac.  The story of Abraham offering to sacrifice Isaac serves two purposes.  First, it foreshadows God sacrificing His own Son.  Second, it serves as an object lesson that God does NOT desire child sacrifice.

When Isaac asked Abraham where the animal for sacrifice was, Abraham responded with equivocation and what he thought was deception by saying that God would provide one.  It turns out that Abraham was prophesying because God did indeed provide an animal for sacrifice.  So, Abraham was misleading Isaac when he told him that God would provide an animal for sacrifice, but God used what he said to build up Isaac’s faith, and to provide us with an object lesson.  When you know that you have been called by God to take an action but do not believe that you have the resources to execute, act anyway, because, if God has called you to act He will provide the means.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 6, 2024 Bible Study — Lessons From Lot

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 19-20.

I wrote the other day about Abram giving Lot the choice of where to settle and Abram would go elsewhere.  Lot chose the rich and fertile plains around Sodom.  This turned out to be a bad decision on Lot’s part.  And at some point, this led to Lot giving up the nomadic life and moving into the city.  Previously we say that Lot was captured and taken prisoner when Sodom was sacked, only to be rescued by his uncle Abram.  In today’s passage Lot loses everything except for his two unmarried daughters (as I read the passage, Lot had other daughters who were married and whose husbands would not listen to Lot when he told them to flee the city).  This did not happen to Lot just because he made the selfish choice when Abram asked him to choose where to live.  This passage leads me to believe that Lot knew about the evil behavior of the people of Sodom, and chose to live among them anyway.  That would explain why Lot insisted so strongly that the angels spend the night in his house rather than in the town square.  But not only did Lot move in among these people, he entered into marriage alliance with them by arranging for his daughters to marry men of Sodom.  I am tempted to write that Lot does not appear to have made any attempt to convince the people of Sodom to change their evil ways, but the passage does not really provide us any basis for believing that to be true.  Nevertheless, Lot can serve as a warning to us.  If we live among evil people and wish to avoid Lot’s fate we should strive to convince them to change their ways.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 5, 2024 Bible Study — Even a Man of Faith Has Doubts

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 16-18.

I am often struck by the fact that Sarai’s decision to encourage Abram to attempt to have a son by Hagar immediately follows God entering into a covenant with Abram promising that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.  Then, after Ishmael is born, God gives Abram the name Abraham and Sarai the name Sarah while once more promising that Sarah would bear Abraham a son. And Abraham scoffs at the idea that Sarah would bear a child at her advanced age, and asks God for Ishmael to live under His blessing.  So, we see here that Abraham, the man who is held up as the exemplar of faith, struggled with doubts.  If Abraham had doubts, why do we think that we can’t ever have any doubts?


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 4, 2024 Bible Study — Trusting God and Allowing Others to Take the “Better” Option

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 12-15.

When Abram returned to Canaan from Egypt with Lot, he realized that between them he and Lot had too many flocks and herds to continue together.  Instead of sending Lot away, Abram offered Lot the choice of where to settle, while Abram would move away from there.  Lot chose the area which he believed to offer the better opportunities.  Abram did not insist on what he thought was the better territory, even though most would have thought him entitled to do so.  Of course, we know how that worked out.  We get the first indication that Lot chose poorly when he, and his family, were taken captive (probably to be enslaved).  Abram, because of the choice he made, became a force to be reckoned with, with allies who were also forces to be reckoned with, and was able to rescue Lot and his family.  So, Abram trusted God to provide and did not believe it necessary to seize the main chance.  We also should trust God to provide and not feel like we must outcompete those around us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 3, 2024 Bible Study — Rainbows Are a Sign of God’s Promise to Not Destroy the Earth Until All Things Are Fulfilled

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 8-11.

After the flood, God promised twice that He would never again destroy all living creatures because of mankind.  Further, He emphatically states that as long as the earth endures, the seasons will continue.  In fact, God entered into a covenant with Noah, his descendants, and all living things about this.  God gave the rainbow as a sign of this covenant which He entered into with all living things.  This is one of two passages in Genesis which inform our understanding of how we should treat the earth.  The first such passage is Genesis 1:26, where God gives mankind dominion over all creatures on earth.  Elsewhere God tells us that the earth, and all that is upon it, belongs to Him.  So, those passages tell us that we have the right to change the earth in ways which make our lives better.  On the other hand, we must also care for the earth so that we do not damage it, just as we have a responsibility to not damage property belonging to others which they allow us to use.  So, we should care for this earth and not make a mess of it.  However,  we should never allow others to convince us that a catastrophe awaits if we fail to take some course of action.  I firmly believe that God’s promise in today’s passage means that He will not allow mankind to destroy the earth, or even to make it uninhabitable for mankind.  That is not a license to do as we please.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.