Today, I am reading and commenting on Mark 1-3.

In the Gospel According to Mark the points come at you rapid fire. Mark presents things Jesus taught and then moves on to the next thing. He does not flesh out any of Jesus’ teachings in depth. I will start with Mark telling us what Jesus said His message was. Jesus said, “Repent and believe the good news.” This is not the only place in the Gospels where Jesus says that people should believe the good news. I have often wondered how people would know what the good news was. Then as I was reading this today I realized that Jesus had told us the good news just before that, because the full quote is, “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news.” Previously, I had always read that as, “Repent because the kingdom of God is near and believe the good news.” But now I realize that Jesus was saying, “Good news, the kingdom of God is near, repent of your sins and believe that it is here.”

The passage goes on to tell us some of the implications of the arrival of the kingdom of God. When the paralytic man is let down in front of Jesus, He told him that his sins were forgiven. Then, when the teachers of the law questioned His right to forgive sins, Jesus said that He wanted them to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins just before healing the man. Today I connected this with Jesus giving His disciples (and all who should become His disciples because of their testimony) the power to perform the wonders which He had performed. We, who are His followers, are to let people know that their sins are forgiven. Some times we pass on the word that God has forgiven, sometimes we forgive them ourselves, and sometimes we do both. This passage contains another implication about the arrival of God’s kingdom. When Jesus says that whoever does God’s will is His brother and His sister and His mother He is saying that those who do God’s will are His family. The same is true for us, in God’s Kingdom, all who do God’s will are family. Think about this and remember those who do not have a biological family. All who do God’s will are our family, and we are theirs.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.
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