September 7, 2023 Bible Study — God Takes Pleasure in Those Who Turn From Evil, Not in the Death of the Wicked

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 32-33.

Many of us have been made watchmen by God.  He has called on us to warn those around us that God will judge the wicked, both among the living and the dead.  I am called out by that every year when I read this passage, but this year I felt a need to emphasize something in that part of the passage which I don’t remember noticing before.  Ezekiel addressed those among his audience who were weighed down with guilt.  God gave him a message to those who recognized their sinfulness and felt that they had no hope because their sin was so great.  God gives us this message, no matter how great our sin, if we turn to Him and allow Him to turn us from our sin, He will give us life.  God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked.  He desires that all turn to Him and accept the righteousness which He offers.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.