June 1, 2021 Bible Study Prostrating Ourselves Before God Because Of The Sin Around Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezra 9-10.

When Ezra learned that many of the Returned Exiles had intermarried with the people living in the land, we need to interpret that in terms of yesterday’s passage.  Ezra’s response, and that of the rest of the people, was not about those of the Returned Exiles who married those in the land who chose to follow God’s Laws.  It was about those who married and allied with those who continued to worship idols and follow other practices contrary to God’s Law.  In addition to yesterday’s passage where it stated that everyone who separated themselves from the unclean practices of their Gentile neighbors was welcomed to take part in the Passover, we have in today’s passage an indication that resolving who had violated this prohibition was not just a matter of looking at their wives’ parentage.  Rather, each case needed to be looked at on an individual basis.

There is another thing in this passage I want to look at.  When Ezra came forth and publicly prostrated himself before God because of those among the Returned Exiles who were joining themselves with idolaters, many of the people joined him.  This tells us that many people had been concerned about the problem, but no one was willing to step forward and do something about it.  I want to be fair here, it takes a special kind of person to mobilize a group to deal with this sort of problem.  The lesson we learn here is that we are not alone in being grieved by the sins which are damaging our society.  We should take heart from such knowledge.  We can also learn that many times it only takes one person willing to stand up to such things to bring about change.  When we see sin around us, let us prostrate ourselves before God and ask Him to show us what to do.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 31, 2021 Bible Study Accepting All Who Choose To Obey God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezra 6-8.

Throughout the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah there are repeated references to the Returned Exiles separating themselves from the people living in the land.  Those references seem to suggest that those who were not among the Returned Exiles were not welcome to worship the Lord.  However, today’s passage contains a phrase which one could easily miss, and even if you catch it, you could easily miss its significance.  While discussing the Passover which the Returned Exiles celebrated after rebuilding the Temple, chapter 6 verse 21 says this: “ So the Israelites who had returned from the exile ate it, together with all who had separated themselves from the unclean practices of their Gentile neighbors in order to seek the Lord, the God of Israel. ”  The words in bold in that quote tell us that while the Returned Exiles kept themselves separate from the culture of those living in the land, they allowed any of those who wished to fully embrace God’s Law to join them.  This little phrase, almost a throw away, changes how we should interpret all of the rest of the passages which discuss how the Returned Exiles interacted with those living in the land. Those who sought to find synergy between the idolatrous worship of the Gentiles were not welcome among the People of God, but any who chose to fully embrace God’s commands, no matter what their background, were welcome to join in.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 30, 2021 Bible Study What To Do When Those Who Do Not Share Your Values Offer To Help You Serve God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezra 3-5.

As soon as the Returned Exiles got settled back in the land they began work on rebuilding the altar to the Lord in Jerusalem.  Then, when the altar was rebuilt they began making offerings upon it and began working on laying a foundation for the rebuilt Temple.  Once they had completed the foundation, they held a festival to praise the Lord for bringing them thus far.  All of the people were emotionally overcome by the moment, some weeping, some shouting in joy.  The noise was so loud that it was impossible to distinguish those who were weeping from those shouting in joy.  In a similar way, we should not be ashamed to allow our emotions to overwhelm us when we worship the Lord, especially when something positive happens.

I am always torn by the accounts here where the Returned Exiles rejected the request of those living in the land to assist them in rebuilding the Temple.  On the one hand, those who offered are identified as enemies of the Returned Exiles.  On the other hand, I believe that we should welcome all who wish to worship the Lord.  Perhaps if the Returned Exiles had allowed those living in the land to take part in rebuilding the Temple, they would not have become the enemies of the Returned Exiles.  Or, perhaps they would have acted to undermine the restoration of faithful worship of God.  The writer of this passage clearly believes that these people were not acting in good faith when they asked to take part in rebuilding the Temple.  All in all, this passage highlights the need to determine whether those who offer to help you serve God share your understanding of what serving God means.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 29, 2021 Bible Study Their Neighbors Aided The Exiles Return To Jerusalem

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezra 1-2.

Today’s passage shows us that when God moves, He moves all that is necessary to accomplish His goals. When He had sent the people of Judah into Exile, He had also promised to restore them once again.  When the time for that restoration came to pass, God caused Cyrus, King of the Persians, to order that they be allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.  As part of his order, Cyrus instructed those among whom the people of Israel were living to provide assistance to those who wished to return to Judah.  We learn something about how the Exiles had lived in Exile by the fact that many of their neighbors contributed to the expenses they had in returning to Judah and Jerusalem.  Let us both contribute to those whom God has called to relocate to carry out His will and live so that our neighbors will be willing to aid us if He calls upon us to do so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 28, 2021 Bible Study Doing God’s Will Leads Us To Better Understanding Of God’s Will

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 34-36.

When we look at King Josiah, we tend to focus on the discovery of the Book of the Law and his reaction to it.  We tend to over look that most of his reforms happened BEFORE the Book of the Law was discovered in the Temple.  At age 16, Josiah began to seek God.  This probably corresponded to the time when his regents began to let him begin to exercise some authority as king.  At age 20, he began to purge the kingdom of idols and places of idol worship, not just breaking down the places of idol worship, but desecrating them.  This probably corresponded to the time when he came into his full authority as king.  When he finished in Judah, he continued cleansing the land of idols and places of idol worship into the territory of the Northern Kingdom.  It was only after he had cleansed the land of idol worship that he ordered the repair of the Temple, during which the Book of the Law was found.  Until today I had never really thought about how when Josiah sought God, one thing just followed after another for good.  The same thing will happen for us.  If we seek God with all of our hearts, souls, and minds, God will reveal the next step we should take in order to further His will for us. Don’t worry about what you do not know of God’s will, just do what you know.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 27, 2021 Bible Study Even The Wicked May Turn To God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 31-33.

Mannasseh, Hezekiah’s son, represents a counter lesson to those kings who did good in the eyes of the Lord, but did evil in their later years.  Mannasseh did evil in the eyes of the Lord, but after being taken prisoner by the Assyrians, he turned to God.  After his conversion he removed the idols and the altars to other gods which he had installed and worshiped only God for the remainder of his life (the passage does not tell us how long that was).  The writer makes it clear that the evil Mannasseh did was extreme.  That he actively undid much of the good which his father had done and paid a price for it.  Yet, when he cried out to God in distress, God heard him and rescued him from his suffering.  So, we learn that even those who are desperately evil can turn to God and receive forgiveness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 26, 2021 Bible Study Facing Ridicule To Worship God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 29-30.

When we think of King Hezekiah we generally think of the Assyrian threats against Jerusalem during his reign, but today’s passage sets the stage for that event.  Hezekiah ordered the consecration and reopening of the Temple as his first act as king.  In doing this Hezekiah had the full support of the priests and Levites.  Less than two months after Hezekiah took the throne after his father’s death, the Temple was ready once again for sacrifices, offerings, and worship of the Lord.  The part I like the most out of this is the special Passover celebration which Hezekiah promoted.  Since there was not enough time from beginning to cleanse the Temple and the normal date for the Passover for enough priests to be consecrated, someone among the initial assembly suggested that they hold it a month later than usual (the inspiration for this would have come from the instructions given to those who were unclean through no fault of their own at the time of the second Passover).

All of Israel was to be invited, not just those living in the Kingdom of Judah.  So, Hezekiah sent messengers throughout both Judah and the Northern Kingdom.  Those messengers sent to the Northern Kingdom were met with scorn and ridicule.  Yet even so, a number of people from the Northern Kingdom chose to come to this Passover celebration in order to resume worshiping God.  This whole episode tells us a lot about how we should worship God.  The people of Judah sought to celebrate the worship of God with all of those to whom His promise had been given.  Those from the Northern Kingdom were willing to be ridiculed in order to worship God.  On whichever side of such a divide we find ourselves, let us emulate the people of Hezekiah’s time.  If we are within the group celebrating the worship of God, let us invite those outside who wish to worship Him to join us.  If we are among those who ridicule the worship of God, let us stand up to worship God and be ridiculed.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 25, 2021 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 26-28.

Uzziah and his son Jotham had great success as kings of Judah because they did what was right in God’s eyes.  However, Uzziah’s pride led him to attempt to usurp the authority of the priests.  The passage is pretty straight forward, but it seems to me that there was a little more going on than stated.  It seems to me that the incident with Uzziah attempting to burn incense before God was not the first time he rejected counsel to not do that which he desired to do.  However, his son Jotham reigned as a good king. As a result of their faithfulness, Judah was strong under both of these kings.  Unfortunately, Jotham’s son, Ahaz, did not follow in his father’s footsteps.  Instead, he followed the example of the kings of Israel (the Northern Kingdom).  In fact, he went so far as to sacrifice his own children to the idols he worshiped.  This led to Judah becoming weak and suffering at the hands of other nations.  Ahaz did not learn from his defeats and turn to God, rather he committed even greater idolatry.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

May 24, 2021 Bible Study The Danger Of Turning Away From God As We Get Older

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 23-25.

Both Joash and his son Amaziah started out their reigns honoring God, but both turned away from God in their later years.  Joash, in particular, started out enthusiastically serving God.  He went beyond the efforts of his stepfather, Jehoiada the priest, in repairing the Temple and refurnishing it, but once Jehoiada died he fell under the influence of advisors who encouraged him to commit idolatry.  Joash’s son, Amaziah, started out faithfully following the words of God’s prophets, but once he had success he turned to worshiping the idols of those he had defeated.  In both cases, these kings began to think they need not listen to God’s prophets as they got older.  Let us not follow their example and turn from following God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Drof’s Band and the Lizardfolk (formerly “The Party and the Lizardfolk”)

(This may not make a lot of sense, as it is the description of an encounter multiple sessions in to the campaign, but I am going to try to write up each session going forward.  This takes place as three new players…and their characters…are introduced to the campaign)

The party of four observed an odd lightning storm, no clouds, no thunder, just lightning coming down out of the sky, out over the sea from the promontory.  The odd lightning storm erupted into a planar rift which threw a bunch of trees and mud out into the shallow sea off of the promontory on which the party stood.  A human man, a fox-woman came through along with a girl on a T-Rex and landed prone near each other in the shallow water.  It was not clear whether they were together, or merely happened to get caught up in events at the same time.  The human man stood up and dragged the fox-woman to shore, while the T-Rex with the girl stood up and turned back towards the rift.  At the same time as the others were thrown through the rift a halfling man was as well.  The halfling landed a hundred feet or so from the others.  While those thrown into the water were getting their bearings, a gigantic slime in humanoid form came through the rift, followed by a tarrasque.

In addition to the original party on the top of the promontory, there were two groups of Lizardfolk on the sides of the promontory watching events taking place at sea. Initially, the halfling headed towards shore in the direction where the others had landed in the water.  However, when he saw the T-Rex he decided that splitting the difference between the Lizardfolk groups was the best course this was also the closest place to get out of the water. Unfortunately, this spot was a steep cliff face and he was not able to get far enough up the cliff before a large wave rolled in and swept him back into the sea (which aside from the intermittent large waves was shallow enough for him to stand).  The wave washed one of the trees which had been thrown through the rift against the cliff face.  So, the halfling climbed the tree to get higher on the cliff face.  This allowed him to get far enough up to keep his grip on the cliff face when the next wave struck.
Meanwhile the giant slime humanoid and the tarrasque began to fight in what initially seemed a n evenly matched fight.  When the human male (Randor) got to shore, the fax-woman(Aniu) was able to get up and walk.  These two began moving inland away from the tarrasque and towards higher ground.  Meanwhile, the original party began moving towards them (at the time they began moving the halfling was heading towards those two and they lost sight of him).  When the original party met up with Randor and Aniu they made greetings and moved towards higher ground.  One member of the party saw that the halfling was trying to climb the cliff and went to the top of the promontory to see how he could assist him.  The rest of the party, which now included Randor and Aniu, joined him there.

Side NOTE: while the rest were heading towards the promontory, the triton member of the party (Slash Ahhh) jumped into the sea and swam out towards the tarrasque fight.  Periodically, he would rise to the top of the waves and take crossbow shots at the giant slime humanoid (missing every time). Lizardfolk were observed heading out towards the fight as well.  The Lizardfolk threw spears with chains on them into the slime humanoid.  Lightning redirected from around the rift to strike the chains and cause the spears to burst within the slime humanoid.

Once the halfling joined them at the top of the promontory, they stood to watch the fight (having observed the Lizardfolk heading out towards the fight and desiring to know what actions they would take when they got there).  The T-Rex ran on top of the waves, jumped over the tarrasque and appeared to go through the rift (the party was not sure because they lost sight of the T-Rex when it got to the other side of the tarrasque).  After a few more rounds, the tarrasque appeared to mostly defeat the slime humanoid and drew it back through the rift, which closed dramatically behind them.  At the same time, a bit of lightning seemed to envelop fox-woman and the halfling, both of whom disappeared (this seemed as if some sort of rift magic had pulled them in).

These two characters are played by players who are not going to be able to be at every session and this represents the mechanism by which the Game Master will introduce and remove them from events when they are unable to make play sessions.

Before the party could get itself organized, the Lizardfolk cut them off from retreat.  The Lizardfolk accused the party of spying, but after a bit of tense negotiation the party was able to convince them that their queen would need to decide their fate. So, the party was taken to see the Lizardfolk queen.  There the party learned that the Lizardfolk were at war with the Sahuagin (nasty, smelly fish-people, also known as Sea-Devils).  The party offered to act as emissaries to Peppermarsh (the nearest land dweller city) to convince Peppermarsh to aid the Lizardfolk.  Unfortunately, the queen was unconvinced that the party could accomplish that mission, but made a counter-offer: if the party would deal with a corrupted Great Old One (a giant crocodile of spiritual significance to the Lizardfolk) she would accept that they were not spies for the Sahuagin.  The party accepted this mission.
Upon receiving directions from the Lizardfolk, the party headed inland into the swamp towards where the corrupted Great Old One could be found.  En route, they came upon three humans who had just sacrificed a Lizardfolk and were conducting a ritual to summon some kind of elemental.  The party, having decided that anyone who would sacrifice a humanoid was certainly evil, attacked and killed the three humans. The party took a short breather at that point.
We will take up the story in the next episode.


I initially wrote this up for someone familiar with the campaign who wanted to know what happened.  I hope to continue writing up a summary of each session and posting it here.  Hopefully, as time goes by it will become easier for those not part of the campaign to follow events.