August 8, 2019 Bible Study — Sometimes New Is Not Better

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.  I am going to be on vacation through August 10th.  I have prepared my daily Bible Studies for each day throughout that time in advance since I will have limited access to the Internet during this time.  The timing on when I publish these blogs may be erratic during this time.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 4-6.

Reading Jeremiah frightens me, but it also gives me hope.  The fear comes because Jeremiah’s prophecies started when Josiah was king and things seemed to be getting better.  The hope comes from things like the start of today’s passage.  The people of Judah could have returned to God and avoided the coming disaster.  Even now, if the people would plow up the  hard ground of their hearts and turn to God, He would forgive them and welcome them home..

Still, my fear persists.  I see the signs of the coming storm which God will unleash on this land if its people continue to ignore His warnings.  I read what Jeremiah says about the lack of honest people and see similar things in our society.  People condemn their opponents for lying, then lie themselves when they perceive it as being to their advantage.  The poor do it, the rich do it.  Those without any power do it, those with great power do it.  And everyone in between.  God tells us to walk in the old, godly way, but no one today wants that road.    They call that way “intolerant”, refusing to see where they path they choose instead actually leads.  They want a “new” way and will not listen to anyone who tells them that the “new” way is not new.

August 7, 2019 Bible Study — When The Government Becomes An Idol

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.  I am going to be on vacation through August 10th.  I have prepared my daily Bible Studies for each day throughout that time in advance since I will have limited access to the Internet during this time.  The timing on when I publish these blogs may be erratic during this time.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 1-3.

Jeremiah’s prophecy today reminds me of the history of the United States.  I want to be clear that I do not view the United States as God’s new “Chosen People”.  I think that similar comparisons can be made of other people and nations.  Jeremiah begins by speaking about how the Israelites loved and worshiped God as He led them through the wilderness.  Yet soon began to stray to the worship of other gods.  In the United States, before there was a United States, there was a great revival.  However, it is not entirely accurate to call it a revival because few of the early settlers were particularly religious (there were some notable exceptions: the Puritans in Massachusetts, the Quakers and others in Pennsylvania, and a few other similar groups elsewhere, but before the “Great Awakening” most of those who lived in the Colonies had no use for God).  That all changed with the Great Awakening.  The Holy Spirit swept over the thirteen Colonies like a wild fire.  Then came the conflict between the British and French colonists and the war which followed.  Than, just as Jeremiah said of the Israelites, the settles did not ask, “Where is God?”, they asked, “Where is the government?” (in this case the British government)..  There were similar revivals where the people of the United States turned to God in large numbers, only to a few years later look elsewhere for solutions to their problems.

I want to point out that Jeremiah began to prophecy while Josiah was king.  Josiah was one of the kings of Judah who “did what was pleasing in God’s sight.”  So, just because you attend Church regularly and worship God, does not mean that you are not one of those whom Jeremiah would accuse of idolatry.  Where do YOU turn for solutions to the problems you see around you?  Are you lobbying the government? Or, are you seeking to do God’s will?