June 1, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezra 9-10.

This passage has always bothered me.  A casual reading suggests that the sin of which many of the Returned Exiles were guilty was marrying wives from outside of their group.  Further, the solution goes against one of my most deeply held beliefs: that marriage should always be for life.  However, the problem was NOT that some of the Returned Exiles had married women from among the locals.  The problem was that they were following the detestable practices of the local people.  They were taking part in the idolatrous worship practices of the pagans living in the land.  Rather than have these women convert to Judaism* and give up their pagan religions before marrying them, the Jewish men were trying to have it both ways; they continued to practice Judaism but also joined their wives in their pagan religion. 

*This is the first point in the Bible I am comfortable with using the term Judaism to refer to the religion of the Old Testament.  This is not because I think the practice or beliefs changed.  Rather it is at this point that the people who practiced this religion began identifying themselves as Jews and their religion as Judaism(although that last part might not be for another few centuries).

So, an assembly of all of those whose claim to property was based on being one of the Returned Exiles were summoned to an assembly in Jerusalem or risk forfeiting their property.  That sounds like a fairly severe penalty for not making a trip which might cause someone significant hardship.  However, they included a clause which stated that the forfeiture would only happen if the elders and leaders so decided.  Then when they got together to discuss what should be done about the problem of men of the assembly practicing idolatry because of their pagan wives.  They decided that all members of the assembly married to a pagan wife should divorce her and separate themselves from the people who practiced pagan rituals.  This sounds harsh, men must divorce their wives if those wives were not Jewish (that is, not one of those who returned from Exile.  However, this is where it gets interesting.  They decided that each man who had married a pagan wife should come before the elders at a scheduled time.  This suggests to me that it was not just a matter of divorce your wife or else.  I think the point of the meeting with the elders was to allow the man to argue that his formerly pagan wife had abandoned her pagan practices and converted to Judaism.

I would guess that some of these women continued, and encouraged their husbands to join them, in pagan practices because they did not understand the conflict between Judaism and their pagan practices.  When that conflict was made clear to them, many of those would have been willing to give up their pagan practices.

May 31, 2019 Bible Study — Giving Ourselves No Choice But To Rely On God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezra 6-8.

I am unsure why the letter sent to King Darius requesting that the Persian records be searched for Cyrus the Great’s edict was sent.  On the one hand, the overall passage suggests that the sender believed that the copy of the edict presented by the Jews was a forgery.  On the other hand, their reaction to King Darius’ reply to their letter suggest they may have been genuinely seeking clarification.  In either case, the reply from King Darius was unequivocal: the Jewish efforts to rebuild the Temple were not only to not be interfered with, they were to be supported to the full capability of the local government.  As a result, work moved forward on restoring the Temple and it was rapidly rebuilt.

Once they completed rebuilding and rededicating the Temple, the Returned Exiles conducted a Passover feast at the appropriate time.  Here we learn that despite having rejected the call to take part in the rebuilding effort from the locals, the Returned Exiles welcomed those who wished to do so to join them in worshiping God.  The key part of that welcome, one which we can learn from today, was that those who wished to join them needed to abandon the pagan practices which had been added on to the worship of God and follow the Law of Moses as practiced by the Returned Exiles.  I do not put that statement, “as practiced by the Returned Exiles”, in there to imply that the practice was not consistent with the Law of Moses.  Rather I include it to note that they did not hold the people of the land to a higher standard than they did themselves.  The fact that the Returned Exiles welcomed those locals who were willing to follow their practices supports the idea that the offered help to rebuild the Temple had been offered either in bad faith or as an effort to alter the worship practices described in the Law of Moses.

With Chapter 7 we begin the account of Ezra, after whom this book is named.  It is my belief that the material from here to the end of the book were based on a record written by Ezra himself with editorial content from the scribes who combined Ezra’s record with the material earlier in the book.  The letter from King Artaxerxes commissioning Ezra contains some interesting thoughts.  It mandates that Ezra be given gold and materials for use in the Temple.  These items were to be used to petition God to look favorably on Artaxerxes and to bless him.  While Artaxerxes did not express the position of a Believer that God is the Creator and Supreme over all, he did acknowledge that God had authority and power and requested that God be petitioned on his behalf.  We should do for our government officials what Artaxerxes requested of Ezra, whether they so request or not.  

Perhaps the biggest lesson we can learn from Ezra was about handling money and valuables dedicated to the Lord.  When Ezra realized how much wealth was being sent with his group to Jerusalem his first concern was security.  However, he was embarrassed to ask the king for soldiers to accompany them because he had been bragging about how God protected those who served Him.  We learn from this passage that until this moment, Ezra believed, but he did not have faith.  However, rather than admit to the king that he did not have the faith to rely on God, he chose to rely on God.  It is a lesson we can all learn from.  Sometimes we need to step out in faith that we don’t quite have.  He trapped himself into depending on God.  One must be careful about doing this, because we can easily find ourselves trying to trap God into doing our will.  We can trap ourselves into doing God’s will, but we cannot trap God into doing ours.  I will also note that Ezra did not do this on purpose.

May 30, 2019 Bible Study — Should We Accept the Help of Non-believers To Do God’s Will?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezra 3-5.

As soon as the Returned Exiles got themselves settled into their new homes, they rebuilt the altar and began offering sacrifices upon it.  The following spring the Returned Exiles began rebuilding the Temple.   When they completed the foundation of the Temple the people who had been living in the land during the Exile claimed a stake in the rebuilding of the Temple.  The local people claimed to have worshiped God since they were settled in the land by the Assyrians.  I have always read this passage and thought that the Returned Exiles should not have so bluntly rejected the offer of assistance.   However, today it struck me, if the locals had been worshiping God and offering Him sacrifices for all of these years, why didn’t they rebuild the Temple before this?  Further, as soon as their help was rejected the locals began working to disrupt the building project.  In fact, after Cyrus died, the locals reached out to the King of Persia and slandered the Returned Exiles by implying that they had begun restoring Jerusalem behind the back of the Persian authorities. 

Reading between the lines here we learn an important lesson about working with non-believers to carry out God’s will.  The locals offered to help the Returned Exiles, but considering the ways in which they immediately began working against the project when their help was rejected we see that their offer was not sincere.  Perhaps they wanted to be involved so as to have a say in how worship was carried out in the new Temple.  Or perhaps they were planning to frustrate the plans from the inside.  The key factor here is that the locals did not share the priorities of the Returned Exiles.  When non-believers offer to partner with believers to accomplish some goal, we must be very careful about accepting their aid because they do not share our desire to do God’s will.  Their reasons for seeking goals which they may have in common with us will be different from ours and they will attempt to redirect our efforts to further their other goals.

As I mentioned the local government officials not associated with the Returned Exiles had sent a letter to the King of Persia and received a reply ordering a halt to rebuilding the city of Jerusalem.  Initially, this also caused the Returned Exiles to cease work on the Temple.  However, after Darius took the throne, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah inspired the people to resume work on the Temple.  I find this interesting.  When the local government officials received orders from the King of Persia to halt the rebuilding, they intervened with sufficient force to stop the work.  However, when the rebuilding resumed, the local government officials refrained from using force to stop work.  The passage does not tell us what had changed besides who was King of Persia.  I suspect that a significant factor was that Darius was a king more in the mold of Cyrus, while the two kings who reigned in between ruled more with an iron-fist (incidentally, both of their reigns were relatively short).  If all parties were aware of this change in attitude at the top, the Returned Exiles would have been more willing to stand up for themselves and the local officials less willing to initiate a violent confrontation.  Under the intermediary kings, both parties would have been aware that imperial forces were likely to back up such a show of force.  Under Darius, the Returned Exiles would have had reason to believe they would get a chance to argue their side before imperial forces acted.  Additionally, it appears that someone among the Returned Exiles produced a copy of Cyrus’ decree authorizing their return.  It appears that the local officials suspected the copy was a forgery and hoped to use that as leverage on their side over the Returned Exiles


May 29, 2019 Bible Study — Support for the Historical Accuracy of the Old Testament

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezra 1-2.

The first thing I want to note about the Book of Ezra is something which I learned earlier this year (perhaps I had read or heard this earlier, but, if so, I did not remember it).  The books of Ezra and Nehemiah had been one book in the Hebrew Bible.  They become separate books as a result of the fact that in the 2nd Century BC there were two separate, differing translations of the book into Greek.  I don’t want to spend more time on that today, but the way in which they became separated fascinates me.

Chapter One is consistent with the inscriptions which were discovered on what is known as the Cyrus Cylinder, a clay cylinder inscribed with a declaration from Cyrus declaring his support for the repatriation of peoples the Babylonians had taken into exile.  It also calls for the restoration of the temples of numerous gods throughout the territory which had been the Babylonian Empire and the return to those temples of the sacred objects which had been taken to Babylon.  While neither the Jews nor Jerusalem were mentioned on the Cyrus Cylinder, the inscription on the Cyrus Cylinder is consistent with what we find recorded here.  In fact, the Cyrus Cylinder makes a similar statement about Cyrus’ relationship to the chief god of the Babylonians as this passage says that he proclaimed about his relationship with God.  What is written in this passage is consistent with everything we know about the Persian Empire and how it dealt with the peoples under its control.  The Cyrus Cylinder was discovered at a time when many doubted that any of the events recorded in the Old Testament had actually happened.

The second chapter is a list of those who returned as part of Cyrus’ repatriation.  The important part about this was that they brought documents with them.  These documents included genealogies.  Those who could trace their ancestry to the genealogies of priests and Levites which they brought back were allowed to serve as such.  Those who could not were provisionally prevented from doing so.  However, those who returned acknowledged that their records were incomplete and allowed for asking God to guide them on whether these people should be allowed to serve.  At the time of the writing of this passage they had yet to restore the method if inquiry described in the Law of Moses, but they made a record of the people who thought they were descended from priests or Levites for whom confirmation could not be found.

May 28, 2019 Bible Study — Do What You Know Is God’s Will And He Will Give You Clear Direction

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 34-36.

Josiah took the throne at 8 years old.  When he was 16 he began to seek God.  At 20, which was probably when he started to have full authority and no longer answered to a regent, he ordered the destruction of all of the pagan altars and idols in the land.  He also ordered the purification of the Temple.  Once all of this was completed, Josiah ordered the Temple repaired.  What happened next never ceases to cause me wonder.  During the repairs they found the Book of the Law of Moses.   Which makes me wonder what Josiah was going by up until this point.  Did they have some partial accounts of what the Law of Moses said?  Or, was Josiah merely relying on oral tradition?  I want to note that because King Josiah did his best to follow God’s will based on his limited understanding of what that was, God provided him with a more complete understanding.  If you are unsure of all of God’s will for your actions, do what you know to be His will and He will give you clearer guidance.

In any case, Josiah was horrified to learn how badly they had been falling short of obeying God’s commands and went into mourning for their shortcomings.  He also instructed his top advisers to petition the Lord about what they should do going forward since they had failed so badly to do God’s will up to this point.  Here we see something interesting.  Only one of these advisers was a priest.  Yet all of them seem to be intimately involved in Josiah’s religious reforms.  A fact which tells us something about King Josiah.  He had surrounded himself with men who sought the Lord just as much as he did.  Despite getting an answer from God that the disasters described in the Law of Moses would fall on the people of Israel because of their unfaithfulness, although not in his lifetime, King Josiah instituted further religious reforms that implemented the entire Law of Moses.  He appears to have enforced his religious reforms over the entire land of Israel, even though his political control only extended to the area of Judah and Benjamin.

Unfortunately, after Josiah died in battle his sons and grandson did not follow his example.  When we get to the Book of Jeremiah, it will be worth remembering that King Zedekiah was King Josiah’s son.


May 27, 2019 Bible Study — God Is More Powerful Than Any Human, Or Group of Humans

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 31-33.

After the Passover which Hezekiah had called the people to celebrate, the people enthusiastically followed the Lord.  They destroyed the various pagan worship sites throughout the land, both that under King Hezekiah’s rule and the land of the northern tribes which he did not control.  This same enthusiasm carried over into bringing offerings to the Temple.  Hezekiah made personal contributions of animals for the required sacrifices and required the people of Jerusalem to offer the sacrifices described in the Law of Moses.  When the people who lived outside of Jerusalem heard what was going on in Jerusalem, they too brought sacrifices to the Temple.  In fact, they brought so much that the priests and Levites in Jerusalem could not make use of it all.  So, Hezekiah organized the distribution of these goods to the priests and Levites living in the towns and villages throughout the land.  The result being that they could dedicate their time to teaching the people the Law of Moses.  Reading between the lines, I believe that the priests and Levites were tasked not just with teaching the Law of Moses, but with teaching the people other things as well (in particular, reading so that they could read the Law for themselves).

Sometime after this, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, invaded Judah and began conquering the fortified towns.  In response, King Hezekiah worked with his advisers to devise and execute a plan to improve the fortifications of Jerusalem.  This included repairing the section of wall which had been torn down when his father was king, building a second wall around the city, and fortifying the city’s water supply.  Again in reading this I came across something I had not noticed before.  In his preparation to defend the city, Hezekiah organized all of the people into its defense.  He gathered all of the people and told them that they need not fear the Assyrians because as mighty as the Assyrian army was, God is more powerful yet.  Perhaps Sennacherib received reports of Hezekiah’s speech, or perhaps he knew the sorts of things which a king like Hezekiah would say to encourage his people.  In either case, Sennacherib and his messengers dismissed the idea that God could rescue the people of Jerusalem from his power.  I am sure that Sennacherib never came to realize his mistake, even though he was forced to withdraw from Judah without ever laying siege to Jerusalem.  However, Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem knew to whom to give credit for their salvation, as should we.  I am sure that Sennacherib remained convinced that he could have taken Jerusalem any time he wished even though a plague in his camp forced him to withdraw.

May 26, 2019 Bible Study — Welcoming All Who Wish To Worship God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 29-30.

Essentially the first thing which Hezekiah did when he became king was to reopen the Temple, which his father had shut.  As part of that he summoned the priests and Levites.  He commanded them to purify themselves and the Temple so as to be prepared to properly worship and present sacrifices to God.  It would be easy to reach the conclusion that this just involved cleaning the Temple and conducting the appropriate rituals, but I think that Hezekiah meant, and his listeners understood, conducting the rituals, re-familiarizing themselves with God’s Laws, and changing their behaviors. 

It took the Levites 16 days to cleanse and purify the Temple (note that it specifies that the Levites did this work, not “the priests and Levites”).  As soon as the Temple was purified, Hezekiah gathered the city officials of Jerusalem and had the priests offer a sin offering for all of Israel.  It would be easy to overlook that he did not just ask them to offer a sin offering for the nation as commanded in the Law of Moses.  That could have been interpreted as either being for all of Israel, or just for the kingdom over which Hezekiah ruled.  No, Hezekiah called for a sin offering for all of Israel, for all of the descendants of Jacob, even those who had been taken into exile (both from the northern tribes and from his own territory while his father was king).  As part of this process, he had the priests and Levites conduct a festival-style worship service.  This drew the people of the city, not just the officials whom Hezekiah had summoned.

Once the re-dedication and sin offerings had been offered Hezekiah called on the people who so desired to bring their own offerings to the Lord.  This is where we see the significance of my note about who purified the Temple because not enough priests had purified themselves to offer all of the sacrifices the people brought.  The passage tells us that the Levites had to help the priests offer the sacrifices.  I believe that the problem was that what revealed that not enough priests had purified themselves was that many of them did not know how to offer the sacrifices.  Which indicated that they had not studied the Law of Moses, but the Levites had and thus knew what needed to be done.  The people responded enthusiastically to Hezekiah’s restoration of God’s worship, as did the Levites.  The priests, and I am going to guess other high officials, responded less enthusiastically.

The final element of Hezekiah’s restoration was the first Passover he celebrated.  They celebrated this Passover a month late because not enough priests could be purified in time.  As part of his preparations Hezekiah sent messengers throughout the entire land of Israel, not just the part over which he had authority, inviting people to prepare themselves and come celebrate the Passover.  This was after the fall of Samaria, so we learn that not all of the Northern Tribes were taken into exile by the Assyrians.  Most of the people in the northern regions laughed at King Hezekiah’s messengers, but large numbers still responded and came to Jerusalem for the Passover.  Many of those who came from the northern regions no longer knew how to properly worship God and so failed to properly purify themselves for the Passover.  King Hezekiah ruled that they should be allowed to take part anyway and prayed to God that He accept their desire to serve Him.  We should follow Hezekiah’s example and welcome all who genuinely wish to worship God, especially those whose enthusiasm exceeds their understanding.  I will note that they did not just allow those who were unprepared to conduct their Passover sacrifices however they saw fit.  No, they had the Levites prepare their sacrifices for them, showing them the correct way to do it.

May 25, 2019 Bible Study — We Do Not Always Follow The Example Which Our Leaders Set For Us

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 26-28.

I was trying to figure out what to write about Uzziah’s reign.  Uzziah did what was pleasing in God’s site.  However, late in his reign he became arrogant and entered the sanctuary of the Temple and made an incense offering there.  His son Jotham ruled after him and also did what was pleasing in God’s sight.  Both of these kings were powerful and wealthy as a result.  However, what struck me was a phrase in chapter 27 verse 4: “But the people continued in their corrupt ways.”  Jotham was the fourth king in succession who did what was pleasing to God for most of his reign (and unlike the previous three, he did not depart from doing so as he became older).  Nevertheless, the people were not faithful to the Lord.  All too often we blame our leaders for the shortcomings of the groups of which we are a part.  However, in the long run, the leaders will be no better than the people they lead.   If we have good leaders, but do not accept that we must be good as well, or are only good because they inspire us to be good, either they or their successor will fall away from the Lord.  A good leader may inspire people to become better, but if the people do not internalize that and take responsibility to be better without the leader’s guidance, they will lose the improvements when the leader is gone.

Which leads us to Jotham’s son, Ahaz.  Ahaz followed the lead of his people and did not do what was pleasing in God’s sight.  When his enemies attacked and defeated him, rather than look to what had worked for his father and grandfather, he adopted the worship practices of those who had defeated him.  Not only that, but he went further than any of the previous kings and shut up the Temple so that no one could worship God there.  Throughout history this has been a common theme: those who reject God often try to prevent anyone else from worshiping him.

May 24, 2019 Bible Study — Taking Advice From the Wrong People

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 23-25.

The account given here of Jehoiada overthrowing Athaliah and installing her grandson Joash on the throne goes into much more detail than that given in Kings.  This account shows just how much risk Jehoiada took to execute his plot.  I just realized that the leaders whom Jehoiada relied upon to overthrow Athaliah and put Joash on the throne were a different group from those who convinced Joash to turn away from God after Jehoiada’s death.  That may seem obvious because most of those who helped put Joash on the throne would have died by the time Jehoiada died.  But not only were those who placed Joash on the throne different men than those who later advised him, they came from a different category of men.  This account tells us that Jehoiada summoned Levites and clan leaders from the towns to Jerusalem.  These were not the government leaders who resided in Jerusalem.  They were men from the countryside who spent their time among the common man.  Later, after Jehoiada’s death, the men who convinced Joash to turn away from God were government officials who resided in Jerusalem.  This passage illustrates a lesson which repeats itself throughout history: the leaders of a nation who reside in the capital do not have the same interests as the people who live elsewhere, not even the leaders of those people living elsewhere.

When Joash’s son Amaziah ascended to the throne, he appears to have learned some of this lesson.  Perhaps I am reading to much into it, but I read the description of the way in which Amaziah organized the army as reflective of how he governed.  He chose leaders to lead the army from throughout the land.  He took advice, at least early in his reign, from those outside the “Jerusalem insiders club”.  However, we also see that he tried to weaken the power of the priests and Levites by adopting the gods of the Edomites.  The same arrogance which had led Amaziah to abandon God, led him to make war against Israel.  This ended badly for Amaziah.  All of the wealth, goodwill, and power he had accumulated with his victory over Edom, and more, was lost with his defeat by Israel.  Initially, Amaziah took advice and ruled according to God’s Law, but once he felt secure upon his throne he abandoned God and stopped taking advice.

May 23, 2019 Bible Study — The Battle Is the Lord’s, Not Ours

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 19-22.

Again today I read something I do not think I ever noticed before.  A prophet of the Lord confronted Jehoshaphat for his friendship with King Ahab of Israel.  Jehoshaphat allied with and helped Ahab in his wars despite Ahab’s idolatry and sin. I believe that God’s anger with Jehoshaphat had as much, or more ,to do with Jehoshaphat arranging for his son to marry Ahab’s daughter than with Jehoshaphat aiding Ahab in his war(s).  Despite his alliance with Ahab, Jehoshaphat was a good king in many ways.  In yesterday’s passage, it tells us that Jehoshaphat sent officials out to all of the towns under his control to teach the people.  It does not specify what they taught the people, except to mention that they took copies of the Book of the Law with them.  I believe that he had them teach the people to read and write so that they could read the Book of the Law for themselves.   In today’s passage we learn that not only did Jehoshaphat send officials out from Jerusalem among the people, he went among them himself.  This puts his instructions to the judges he appointed in a clear light.  He told the judges to rule so as to please God rather than people.  Jehoshaphat instructed them to judge with integrity because God does not tolerate perverted justice, partiality, or the taking of bribes.  These are instructions to which many judges and other government officials today should pay more careful heed.  For that matter, any of us in positions of authority within any organization should pay heed to these instructions. 

For most of Jehoshaphat’s reign the surrounding countries  refrained from making war against Judah.  However, late in Jehoshaphat’s reign several of the neighboring nations joined together to make war against Judah.  Jehoshaphat did what all of us should do when faced with a problem. especially great danger.  He turned to God for guidance.  And since this was a problem for the whole nation, he called on all of the people to fast and pray.  God’s answer to Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah is one for all of us who seek His Name.  The battle is God’s not ours.  We should be prepared to fight against those who oppose God’s will, but remember that victory will not come through our efforts but through God’s action.   The army of Judah marched out to face the enemy singing and praising God, knowing that the enemy army was more than they could defeat.  Yet they were confident that God would give them the victory.  Before they were able to engage their enemies, their enemies turned on each other and destroyed themselves.  As we watch the forces which seek to destroy God’s presence in our society today, let us turn to god and pray.  If we do so and fully seek to do God’s will ourselves, we will witness them turn on and destroy each other.