September 13, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 6
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 46-48.

    The Book of Ezekiel concludes with further details about the rituals which will be carried out in the Temple of his vision. I do not get much out of this description. Except his description of the River of Life flowing out from the Temple to the Dead Sea. I do not know whether Ezekiel’s vision is literal or a metaphor. My inclination is to have the opinion that it is both. The metaphor is that a vibrant, righteous, and honest worship of God generates a river of life giving “water” which will flow down and cause healthy life to spring up in places which were long ago given up as completely inhospitable to life. Think of the most god-forsaken desert of iniquity, whether that be the worst neighborhood in a city, or a country like Somalia. If we faithfully serve God, worshiping Him, and acting as His love directs us, a river of healing will flow out from us to bring redemption and healing to people we have never even met. As that river flows away from us it will influence everyone it touches so that they also add to the flow. We may only have a small influence for good, but that influence will be magnified by the Holy Spirit so that each person who is touched by it will add to it, until it is a massive force, capable of transforming the world.

September 12, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 5
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 44-45.

    Ezekiel warns against bringing those who do not worship God into the Temple. I am not sure what that means for us today. To at least some degree it is a warning against “ecumenical” ministries which include those who are not Christian. I disagree with those who wish to establish organizations designed to promote understanding between Christians and non-Christians. The only understanding we, as Christians, should seek from those who are non-Christians is that God is calling them to accept Christ. And the only understanding of other faiths we, as Christians, should seek is what about those faiths leads their followers to refuse to accept Christ.

Leadership Means Serving Others

Every week I receive the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday worship service in my email. It contains the announcements and the Scripture reading which our pastor is going to base his sermon on. A few weeks ago, I decided to read the scripture passage and write a blog entry containing my thoughts on the passage as a way to prepare for Sunday morning worship. I do not know how long I will continue doing this, but it seems to be an exercise that has some value.


    This Sunday our speaker is from Cru, which used to be Campus Crusade for Christ. They changed their name because the word “Crusade” was offensive to some people

Of course, that makes you wonder why they changed their name to something which is short for the word which people found offensive. I can just imagine the dialog
“We need to change our name from Campus Crusade for Christ because people found the word Crusade offensive.”
“Well, what should we change it to?”
“I was thinking ‘Cru’ would work. It is short and easy to say.”
“Yeah, but what do we say when people ask us what it means?”
“Oh, that’s easy. It is short for Crusade!”
Is it just me, or did someone not think that one through? Personally, I think they should have changed the name to Campus Jihad for Christ.

Any way, the scripture passage for this Sunday’s service is Mark 10:32-45. In this passage, James and John seek to get Jesus to promise them special honors in God’s kingdom. From Jesus’ reply we learn the important characteristics of true leadership. According to this passage if we want to be leaders among the followers of Christ the first requirement is a willingness to suffer. However, that is not a characteristic just of the leaders, but for all followers of Christ. Jesus tells us that a leader in the Church is a servant. If we want to be a leader in God’s eyes we need to seek to meet the needs of others. While this definition of leadership is foreign to most of our secular acquaintances, it is a model which will serve us well, no matter what organization we wish to lead, or for which we are seeking a leader. Those who lead by Serving the needs of their “subordinates” will bring the most value to an organization, whether that organization is a congregation, a non-profit organization, or a business.

September 11, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 4
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 41-43.

    This passage consists primarily of Ezekiel describing the dimensions of the Temple which he saw in his vision. I know people who read this and get great inspiration from it. I never do. However, there is a point where Ezekiel sees the glory of God enter into the new Temple. God describes how the people of Israel had placed the altars to their idols right next to the altar of God. There was only a wall between them. That was the reason why God destroyed Jerusalem. In the New Testament, our bodies are described as God’s Temple. If we sacrifice to and worship idols, think how much closer we are putting the idolatrous “altars” to that of God. Let us strive to dedicate ourselves to the worship of God and stop worshiping things which are not God.

September 10, 2016 Bible Study — Will Israel Be Invaded?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 3
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 38-40.

    The Bible reading schedule I am using had chapter 38 as part of yesterday’s passage, but I added it to today since I did not talk about it yesterday and it fits with the beginning of today’s passage. In this passage Ezekiel prophesies against a ruler named Gog, who rules over the land of Magog. I have long struggled with whether this prophecy is literal or purely metaphorical. As I was reading this I looked into the geographical area to which Ezekiel might have been referring. Throughout history there have been several theories about where the countries mentioned were located. The leading candidates for Magog put it either in the area where Turkey is currently, or in the areas occupied by various former Soviet Republics (most of which have an overwhelmingly Muslim population). If this prophecy is literal, that is if the leader of “Magog” is actually going to muster his armies, and those of his allies, to invade Israel, and that invasion was going to happen in the near future, the land of “Magog” would be the nation of Turkey. The listed allies are also currently Muslim nations. Certainly, such an invasion in the next 10 years would not be surprising.


    Ezekiel’s prophecy tells us that this invasion will fail (whether it is the one I postulated or another one). Ezekiel’s prophecy describes a terrible defeat for the invading army. The defeat will occur as a result of the confluence of three things (as I read the passage). The forces of nature will act against the invaders (torrential downpours, and possibly earthquakes). The alliance will fall apart and the mustered forces will fight each other. Finally, disease will ravage the invading army. The description of the clean up process suggests that nuclear weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction may be used. As I look at the world today, such an invasion looks like a real possibility. If it happens, God will reveal His power to those with eyes to see.


    I struggle with this interpretation of this passage because so many have interpreted it in light of the current events of their time and been proven wrong. Nevertheless, the above interpretation is plausible when one considers the current world situation. Turkey is currently ruled by a man who is hostile to the land of Israel, as are all of the other nations listed (or their successors). the rulers of Saudi Arabia, which controls the areas which were Sheba and Dedan, are not hostile to Israel currently. They even seem to consider Israel a potential ally against those they view as a greater threat. I am unwilling to say that my interpretation is the truth, but I think we should look at the world and be prepared to praise God when He shows His power.

September 9, 2016 Bible Study — Preaching In the Cemetery

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 2


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 37-38.

    Today’s passage is perhaps one of the most inspiring passages in the Bible. Are you the pastor of a congregation which seems dead and dried up? Or even “just” a member of such a congregation? If your answer is “Yes”, this passage is aimed at you. Follow Ezekiel’s example and preach in the cemetery. OK, I am being facetious, but only a little bit. Preach God’s word to those who come to listen and ask the Holy Spirit to move among them. God tells us that He can put flesh upon dried out skeletons and breathe life into the bodies He thus creates. If He can do that, He can breathe life back into a congregation that is dead. So, perhaps you should go out to the cemetery and preach God’s Word to those interred there. That may be the message which your congregation needs to hear. If we preach the word of God and pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send workers, He will send workers, even if He needs to raise the dead to find them!

September 8, 2016 Bible Study — A Warning to the Shepherds…and to the Sheep

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna


(Yes, I know that is her birthday cake)

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 34-36.

    First, God gave a message to those whom He had appointed as leaders over His people. He condemned them for using their position to enrich themselves while not looking after the flock. I read this passage and feel the anger which God was expressing towards those who had assigned the task of looking after His people. He gave them special privileges and luxuries in order that they might be strengthened to care for His people. Instead of looking after His people and searching for the lost to bring them home, they enjoyed those luxuries and relaxed in comfort. Rather than caring for God’s flock, they took care of themselves. They fed themselves and left God’s sheep to starve. God will hold them responsible.

dscn0914(Yes, I know that is her birthday cake)

    God has appointed a good shepherd who will care for His sheep. That shepherd is Jesus Christ. However, God has a warning for the sheep as well, because the stronger sheep bullied the weaker sheep and would not let them eat. The condemnation of the stronger, healthier sheep included the fact that they were not content to keep the weaker sheep from the best pasture and best streams. They went beyond keeping the best pasture for themselves. They trampled the pastures where they did not eat and muddied the streams where they did not drink. As I read all of this I am struck about how God is calling us to be sensitive to the needs of those who are less able to care for themselves.


    God’s sheep are scattered all over the earth. Are we willing to go searching for those who are lost? Some of His sheep are starving and sickly, not knowing where to get fed. Are we anxious to welcome them into our pasture and guide them to the most succulent morsels, making sure that they drink fresh, clean water from God’s well? Or to put it another way, are we willing to make sacrifices from our comfortable lives to help those who are lonely and struggling experience the love of God?

September 7, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 32-33.

    Usually when I read prophesies such as the one against Egypt in today’s passage I see it as being directed either at the United States, or at miscellaneous, unspecified countries. Part of the reason for that is that I am a citizen of the United States, living in the United States. However, today when I read Ezekiel say that the Pharaoh thought of himself as a strong young lion, but in reality he was just a sea monster I was struck by how that describes Vladimir Putin. Putin views himself as a power in the world, rising to greatness. He is a man who appears to believe he has risen to great power solely through his own ability, accountable to no one. If I am reading current affairs and this passage correctly, Vladimir Putin is using the resources and might of Russia to encourage other nations to rely on Russia. By doing so, he plans to increase the power and resources which he can control. However, God has His own plans for the world and I do not believe that they involve Russia becoming a super power once more.

September 6, 2016 Bible Study — The Consequences Of Thinking We Did It All On Our Own

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 29-31.

    The people of Egypt were proud of their land, as if they were somehow responsible for the might of the Nile. They had come to believe that their strength and riches were something they had created themselves, rather than something God had blessed them with. As a result, they had promised support to the people of Israel, support they were unable to supply. Because of their pride and arrogance God brought judgment against them. The same thing will happen to people today who believe that their wealth and power are completely of their own making. The powerful who do not recognize that their power is a result of gifts from God. When people or nations become proud and believe that all that they have is their own creation it will not be long before they experience a similar fate to that of Egypt in this passage.

September 5, 2016 Bible Study — Lessons From Tyre

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 27-28.

    Ezekiel’s prophecy against Tyre is a warning to many peoples and nations. God set Tyre up in a great location and gave it great wisdom. However, the people of Tyre became arrogant and thought that they were gods. They did not believe that they were bound by any moral code. Many nations are set up by God in places which will allow them to flourish. The same is true of individuals. However, in either case, if they begin to believe that their success is purely a product of their own actions and that therefore they do not need to be accountable to anyone for their actions, not even God, He will bring them down. The seeds of their destruction will grow from within them. When we believe that all violence on our behalf is justified, we are kindling the fire which will consume us. When we allow our love of splendor and comfort to override our moral sense, the wisdom that helped us succeed will become corrupted, turning it to foolishness. No matter how wealthy, strong, and secure our position may be, if we do not put our faith in God and listen to His commands, disaster will come upon us unexpectedly.