September 22, 2016 Bible Study — Calling People to Prayer and Fasting

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 15
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Joel 1-3.

    The prophet Joel wrote in response to a natural disaster. He does not tell them they had it coming. He does not claim it happened because of their sin. However, he does call on them to repent of their sins and turn to God. He calls on them to mourn, and pray, and fast. This is how we should respond to disasters, natural or otherwise. I remember that shortly after 9/11 one or more prominent preachers blamed the attack on the sins of this country. That is not how we should act. No, after a disaster we should call people to repent, mourn, and pray, but not condemn them. Those preachers, with their condemnation of the sin of this country, implied that they themselves were righteous. When we call people to repentance we need to acknowledge our own sins as well.

I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner condemned, unclean.

September 21, 2016 Bible Study — Flags, Nationalism, and Idolatry

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 14
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Hosea 8-14.

    How often are we guilty of being like Israel as described here by Hosea? Do we cry out to God, claiming to acknowledge Him, while at the same time rejecting what is good? Have we been unfaithful to God? Let us examine our lives. When we give to the Lord, either through our actions or our materials possessions, are we truly giving to the Lord, or are we doing it for our own pleasure or satisfaction?


    As I read this, I am struck by the aptness of chapter 10 verse 13 and 14:

But you have cultivated wickedness
and harvested a thriving crop of sins.
You have eaten the fruit of lies—
trusting in your military might,
believing that great armies
could make your nation safe.
Now the terrors of war
will rise among your people.

When you consider the things which happened this past weekend and previously. When I look at the arguments in our country, I see many who claim to be Christians raising a furor at those who refuse to worship their idols of the National Anthem and the flag. I will not defend the protesters, since they seem to be caught up in their own idolatry, but they, also, do not claim to be doing so in the name of Christ. Let us turn to the Lord and acknowledge that military might and gods made by human hands (whether they be flags or governments or songs) will not save us. If we repent of our sins and stop our idolatry, if we turn to worshiping and serving only God, He will heal us and answer our prayers.

September 20, 2016 Bible Study — Don’t Try To Pass the Blame

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 13
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Hosea 1-7.

    The essence of the Book of Hosea is that all too often when we humans have been blessed by God we forget that He is the source of our blessings. When times are good we do not give God credit for the good that has happened to us. As a result God takes His blessings from us until we turn to Him once more. It is our failure to be truly faithful which has led our society to turn ever farther from God. One of the problems in our society is that we of faith all too often point the finger of responsibility for what goes wrong at others rather than taking responsibility for our own failures to be faithful. Our religious leaders have chosen not to know God because the more their followers sin, the richer they get. We follow such religious leaders because they tell us that we can do what pleases us rather than what pleases God.


    I know that this generalization does not fit all of us, but it does fit too many of us. As an example of where we have gone wrong, I am part of a denomination that once taught that Christians are always the minority. But somewhere in the last generation, it started to teach, well, perhaps not teach, but at least accept the teaching from others, that Christians have been in the majority. This is not to say that the forefathers in my denomination were without flaw, but they understood one important truth: If you want to be faithful to God, you will not “fit in” to society.

September 19, 2016 Bible Study — How To Shine Like the Stars

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 12
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 11-12.

    The vision described in this passage does a pretty good job of describing the history of the Middle East from the time of Xerxes through the arrival of the Roman Empire in the region. The described history is from the perspective of the Jewish people. I certainly understand why some people believe that this passage was written in the time of the Maccabees, but I will accept the claim of the book that it was written shortly after the fall of Babylon. I know many people who gain great satisfaction from trying to puzzle out the meaning of the cryptic phrases in passages such as this one, but some time ago I realized that I do not have enough information to figure out what the writer meant by them.


    That being said, the beginning of chapter 12 has some words that I have no trouble understanding. There will come a time of great distress and only those whose name is written in the Book (but everyone of those) will be delivered. Those who have died will be raised, some to everlasting glory, but many to everlasting shame. If we want to be among those who rise to glory, we must seek to impart wisdom to others and/or lead them to righteousness. Of course, in order to impart wisdom we must first possess wisdom. Let us humbly seek God’s wisdom and impart it to those we know as He directs us. If we truly follow this course we will lead others to righteousness. As I write this it occurs to me that the key here is leading others. You do not lead others by telling them what to do. You lead others by going in the direction they should travel while saying to them “Follow me.” Or as Paul wrote, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”

Are We Still Eager To Please God?

Every week I receive the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday worship service in my email. It contains the announcements and the Scripture reading which our pastor is going to base his sermon on. A few weeks ago, I decided to read the scripture passage and write a blog entry containing my thoughts on the passage as a way to prepare for Sunday morning worship. I do not know how long I will continue doing this, but it seems to be an exercise that has some value.


This weeks scripture passage is Jeremiah 2:1-19

    God’s message to His people through Jeremiah discusses how eager they were to please Him in the early days of their knowing Him. Do you remember how eager you were to please God when came to know Him through Jesus? Are you still as eager as you were then? Or are we like the Israelites of old? Have we started worshiping worthless idols? Are we more interested in watching football on Sunday than in fellowship with our fellow believers? For that matter, are we more concerned with someone disrespecting the flag than with us disrespecting God?

September 18, 2016 Bible Study — Ask God To Act For His Own Sake

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 11
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 9-10.

    While studying scripture, Daniel discovered that God had promised to restore Jerusalem after 70 years of exile for the Jewish people. He realized that those 70 years were almost up. However, rather than just rejoice that the 70 years of exile were almost over, Daniel mourned the sins which had led to the exile in the first place. He went to God in prayer and fasting to request that God forgive the Israelite people for their sins and the sins of their ancestors. Further, when Daniel requested that God act, he did not claim any right on his behalf, or on behalf of the Jewish people to that action, not even on the basis of God’s prophecy. Instead, Daniel asked God to act for His own sake, for the sake of His reputation. Our prayers and actions should be similar. We should ask God to act, and we should act, so as to cause people to praise God.

September 17, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 10
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 7-8.

    The two visions which Daniel describes in this passage were primarily about the rise of the Hellenistic(Greek) Empire of Alexander and his successors. The primary focus of these visions was the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. These visions must have provided great comfort to the Jews at the time of that ruler. However, there is more to them than that. In both visions it is made clear that all political powers will serve at the will of God. When their time is up, they will face God’s judgment for the actions they took while using the power which He had delegated to them. The kings of this earth will be brought down when God has decreed, even though it may seem like nothing can stand in their way.

September 16, 2016 Bible Study — Failure To Worship God Is Idolatry

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 9
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 5-6.

    The story of Daniel and the lion’s den shows us that the temptation to use religion as a means to unite a nation was not unique to King Nebuchadnezzar. Although the issue here is slightly different. Darius did not require everyone to worship him or his gods. Instead, he “merely” required that no one worship anyone or anything else. We do not know what Darius’ advisors told him to sign this law but it is clear that he thought it was a good idea. Whatever they told Darius, it never occurred to him that the law would be used to target Daniel. As is often the case with such laws, the intent was not to use it to deal with troublemakers. Rather, it was intended to be used against someone who unpopular with the political elites (Daniel). Daniel was no more willing to NOT worship and pray to God than his friends were to bow down and worship the statue.

September 15, 2016 Bible Study — Is National Unity an Idol?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 8
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 3-4.

    One thing I had never noticed about this passage is the connection between the statue which King Nebuchadnezzar built and the statue in his dream (I have to admit that I did not notice it on my own. I had done an Internet search for information about this passage and the first article I came to made the connection). The author of that article suggested that Nebuchadnezzar built this statue as a counter-point to the one in his dream. Unlike the one in his dream, the statue Nebuchadnezzar built was all gold. However, the most important point was that Nebuchadnezzar built this statue in an attempt to overcome the flaw of the empire that formed the feet of the one in his dream. That empire was divided. Nebuchadnezzar made the statue and commanded everyone to worship it in order to unify his empire. Nebuchadnezzar did not pay attention to the fact that the kingdom which would bring unity to the world would be the Kingdom of God.


    While I do not approve of the reason for why Colin Kaepernik refused to stand in honor of the national anthem, this story reminds me of it. The logic behind those who are angry about it is that it is terrible that he is not joining in the worship which is intended to unite us. My objection to what Colin Kaepernik is doing is that he is doing it in service to yet another idol. The three friends in our story did not refuse to worship the statue out of protest. They refused to worship the statue because they refused to worship anything other than God. Perhaps the reason I am most surprised that I never saw this interpretation of this story, nor even heard anyone else talk about it is that I come from a religious tradition which has always condemned civic religion as idolatry. The important lesson of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the story of the fiery furnace is that the only government which will ever bring unity to the people of every race, nation, and language will be the Kingdom of God.

September 14, 2016 Bible Study — Sin Is Unhealthy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 7
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 1-2.

    From time to time people read the first chapter of Daniel as promoting a diet of vegetables. Daniel and his friends did not ask for vegetables because they objected to eating meat. Unfortunately, the only meat that was available to them in their situation was not kosher. Vegetables were the only kosher food available to them. However, the point of this story is NOT about our diet. Daniel and his friends did not excel because of their diet (well, they did, but that’s not the point). They excelled because they were obedient to God (that is the point which the writer is making). Daniel and his friends did not eat a kosher diet because they expected to be healthier for doing so. They ate a kosher diet because they chose to be faithful to God. In other words, they were healthier than their fellows because they were faithful. We may not understand how being obedient to God will be good for us, but we can be sure that being disobedient will be bad for us.