Parables of The Lord’s Return

Every week I receive the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday worship service in my email. It contains the announcements and the Scripture reading which our pastor is going to base his sermon on. One Sunday while listening to the sermon, it occurred to me that I saw a something in the passage which was not part of Mark’s (our pastor) sermon. It then occurred to me that I should write a blog entry on the passage for upcoming service as a way to prepare for Sunday morning worship. Finally, this week I decided to give it a try.


    These two parables are often treated separately. Yet, they are part of the same lesson from Jesus. Both of them warn us to be ready when Jesus returns. And both of them warn us that His return will be unexpected. The first one tells us that if He finds us doing the tasks to which He has set us we will be rewarded. However, in the first one there is also a warning against abusing others, thinking we will not be held accountable. This parable is directed primarily to those whom God has called to positions of authority. If we fulfill the task for which we have been given authority, we will be greatly rewarded. On the other hand, if we abuse the authority we have been given, we will be severely punished. This applies to authority in the Church, at our job, in politics, and in any groups of which we may be a part.
    The second parable is a reminder that it is not enough not to do wrong. Even if we do not abuse our authority (perhaps because we do not have any), still we need to be prepared at all times for when we will be called to account. It is not enough to accept Christ as our Savior and then go to “sleep”. We cannot say to ourselves that we will do more later. We must seek the tasks which God has set for us and eagerly be about accomplishing them.

August 14, 2016 Bible Study — Adultery Is Idolatry

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 23-25.

    Jeremiah spoke out against false prophets, condemning them for claiming that their own thoughts and words were those of God. He compares the prophets of his day to the prophets of Samaria. He says that the prophets of Samaria prophesied in the name of an idol and encouraged people to sin, but the prophets of Jerusalem were worse because they encouraged those who do evil and committed adultery themselves. I have noticed throughout the book of Jeremiah that he speaks of adultery as a terrible sin which will lead to God’s judgment. Some of the time, he is using adultery as a metaphor for idolatry, but I have become convinced that his condemnation for adultery is not just a metaphor for idolatry. I believe that Jeremiah is telling us that adultery is a form of idolatry. It is a form of putting one’s self, one’s happiness, pleasure, desires ahead of God. People commit adultery because they put themselves ahead of being faithful to God.


    I was not sure where I was going with this when I started writing. I knew I wanted to speak about the false prophets who Jeremiah is condemning and those like them in our day and age, but I was not sure what this was making me think. I, also, wanted to write what I did in the first paragraph about adultery and Jeremiah’s condemnation of it. Now that I have written that I know where to go. The one thing that false prophets have in common is that they encourage us to worship either ourselves or the prophet. In some cases, their teaching is a combination of the two. Further, Jeremiah warns us against claiming God’s authority for our own proclamations. We should ask, “What is God’s answer?” or “What does God say?” but we should not say “This is a prophecy of the Lord!” I believe that while we should seek God’s will, we should never be 100% sure that we have discovered it.

August 13, 2016 Bible Study — Stop Murdering the Innocent

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 19-22.

    The passage begins by Jeremiah prophesying against Judah and Jerusalem to the religious and secular leaders of the people. He condemned them for sacrificing their children to their idols, just as the people of the United States sacrifice their children on the altar of abortion. This condemnation is for those who defend the practice as much or more as for those who actually practice it. Throughout history, if there has been a more vile sin than sacrificing one’s own children it is encouraging others to sacrifice theirs. No people who practice child sacrifice, and abortion in the U.S. is child sacrifice, will escape punishment (unless they repent of this evil practice).


    Jeremiah complains that he is mocked for speaking the words God gives him, that even his closest friends are seeking to use the words he speaks against him. However, when he vows to keep silent, God’s words burn in his heart. He is exhausted by the effort to not speak. Despite the fact that he is mocked, belittled, and attacked for speaking God’s word, Jeremiah is not afraid. He committed his life to God and knows that God will protect him. If we follow Jeremiah’s example, we can be sure of the same protection. God will stand at our side like a mighty warrior and cause our enemies to stumble.
    I am hesitant to say my next point because I am not Jeremiah. Nevertheless, I understand what he is talking about when he says that the words burn inside him when he tries to keep silent. From time to time, I say something which causes people to turn on me (often times because I have said something I should not have said, but not always). Then I promise myself that I will watch my tongue and avoid saying anything I know will offend someone. But before long I find myself unable to keep my silence any longer, and once more I start confronting those whose words seem foolish to me. Lately, when I have been tempted to keep silent I have read passages such as today’s which encourage me to speak up when I feel the need. I have, also, read passages which remind me to watch my tongue and only speak the words which God gives me to speak.


    Today’s passage ends with Jeremiah warning the leaders, and the people who supported them, that if they did not change their ways they would be conquered by the Babylonian army. He condemns them for their corruption, for oppressing the poor, and for killing the innocent. These same charges can be leveled against our political leaders today. If we want to avoid the fate which befell those to whom Jeremiah spoke we must follow the advice he gave them. That advice is that we should be fair-minded and just, help those who have been robbed, rescue the oppressed from their oppressor, do not mistreat foreigners, widows, or orphans. And stop murdering the innocent. Jeremiah emphasized that last and we must do the same. There are many among us who emphasize, at least by their words, the importance of the former while at the same time promoting abortion, which is the murder of the innocent.

August 12, 2016 Bible Study — Trust In God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

    I am not sure where I am going with this today. My thoughts are all a jumble. There are several places where I thought of starting to write, but there was no transition from there to the next thought. Then I came to Jeremiah warning us against trusting in people. It struck me that in this election season this summed up what has gone wrong: too many people put their trust in this or that politician. As a nation, we vote for someone and expect them to fix what is wrong. It does not work that way. Jeremiah tells us that trusting in humans, whether that is a politician, a preacher, a spouse, or ourselves will result in a stunted life with no real future. No, if we want things to change, if we want things to get better we need to trust in God. When God heals us we are truly healed, when He saves us we are truly saved.


    God is like a potter, molding us to His purpose. There are multiple layers to that metaphor in this passage. The first is that God will mold us to whatever purpose He desires. However, as the potter, God is free to change His mind about what type of vessel He is shaping us into. If He has decided to make us into a vessel intended to be used and destroyed because of our wickedness and we renounce our evil ways and begin to do good, He will freely change His mind and instead form us into a vessel of beauty to be admired and displayed. On the other hand if He had decided to make us into a vessel designed to be admired and displayed and we turn from doing good to doing evil, He will change His mind and shape us into a vessel to be used and destroyed. This is true of us as individuals and as nations (and every type of group in between).

August 11, 2016 Bible Study — Do Not Become Like A Rotted LoinCloth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 13-15.

    Today’s passage starts with a metaphor which compares the people of God to a loincloth. Our purpose is to cling to God, to take pride in Him, not ourselves. If we allow our pride to lead us to think that we are the important ones, that pride separates us from God and acts like rot to destroy our usefulness. If we do not listen to God and allow ourselves to become like that rotted loincloth God will destroy us just as we would destroy such a rotted piece of clothing.


    I am struggling with how to word another thought (possibly two thoughts) which this passage generates in my mind. There will come a time when God will tell us to stop praying for those around us. Yet, in the middle of the passage where God is telling this to Jeremiah He also tells Him that He will protect those who return to Him. If we speak God’s words, those who rebel against Him will fight against us. But God will be our fortress and they will fail to conquer us. God calls us to influence those around us, but not be influenced by them. **I want to note that this assumes that those around us are in rebellion from God. It does not mean that we should not allow our fellow believers to influence us.** God will protect us and rescue us from the hands of the wicked.

August 10, 2016 Bible Study — The Futility Of Man Made Gods

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 10-12.

    Jeremiah points out the futility of relying on gods made by our fellow man (or by ourselves). We need not fear such gods, they can neither harm us nor help us. God is the only god we should fear, because only He has the power to bring us help or pass judgment upon us. Unlike all other gods, God was not made up in the mind of man. He created all that exists. Everything else that we might worship, idols, sports teams, material goods, nations, etc. are lies. They will not help us in times of trouble, nor will they bring us happiness.


    How have things gotten so bad? The leaders of the people no longer seek God’s wisdom, instead they believe that they can lead the people according to their own desires. Whether we are leaders or just common folk our lives are not our own. God has planned our lives out to serve His purposes. I know that I will not always act according to His plans and He will need to correct me. And I seek His correction, I just pray that He does so gently. However, if we do not respond to His gentle corrections He will use more strenuous means to compel us to His plan.

August 9, 2016 Bible Study — Sin Is Self Destructive Behavior

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 7-9.

    As I was reading the first thing that I saw which I wanted to comment on was chapter 7 verse 19:

“Am I the one they are hurting?” asks the Lord. “Most of all, they hurt themselves, to their own shame.”

We need to really pay attention to this. If we truly love someone we cannot look the other way when they sin, because they are hurting themselves by their sinning. As I was composing my thoughts, Facebook put up as a “memory” from 2013 my blog for that day, which I had titled “Sin Is Self Destructive Behavior”. I was using a different read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year schedule then, so that blog was on a completely different passage. We need to recognize that those who are sinning are unlikely to listen to our warnings, but we must warn them anyway.


    There are many people who think because they go to church, or do good things, they will avoid the harm that their sin produces. Such is not the case. No matter what else we do, our sin will have negative consequences for us. If we do not listen when God calls us to give up our sin, He will apply ever greater discipline to us. However, our sin does not just bring harm to ourselves. Our sins cause harm to others, either because we directly harm others, or because others are influenced by our bad behavior to sin themselves. Therefore, if we do not turn from our sin, from our self-destructive behavior, eventually God will destroy us.

August 8, 2016 Bible Study — What Choice Will You Make At the Crossroads?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 4-6.

    The people of this nation, and many others, could return to God if they wished to do so. If they were to turn to the Lord they would be a blessing to the entire world causing people every where to come to the Lord and praise His name. Let us call on those around us to turn to the Lord. They are clever enough at doing wrong, but are completely baffled at how to do right. God has shown us the results of our actions, the terrorist attacks, the mass shootings, the moribund economy. Yet the common people are unable to see the connection between our unrighteousness and their results. They do not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears. They refuse to hear God’s message. Even when we look to the leaders, we see the same thing. The people who should be able to see what it all means are blind to the consequences of their actions. They lie when the truth would do better. The poor and the powerful have become convinced that no disaster can come upon them, despite the ever increasing signs that one is brewing.


    We stand at a crossroads. God is calling us to choose a path. Not just any path, but the old, godly road. Too many people today do not want that path. They want the new and exotic path. Except that path is not new either. Today people are choosing the path which offers the exotic and excitement. Little do they know that the excitement it offers is only superficial. Soon the excitement pales and ever greater debauchery is needed to obtain the desired thrill. The path which God offers looks boring and dull, but its joy and fulfillment are lasting. I watched “Schindler’s List” last night. In the end his regret was the money he spent on high living and enjoying himself, money he wished that he had saved and spent on saving even one more life. He realized that all of the good he had done, all of the lives he had saved, did not make up for the good he had not done, the lives he had not saved. For all of the good that he had done, it was not enough. That is true for each and every one of us. We can never do enough good to save ourselves. Nevertheless, let us do the good which we have the opportunity to do.

August 7, 2016 Bible Study — God Will Put His Words In Our Mouth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 1-3.

    When God called Jeremiah He told him that He knew him before he was even conceived. This is not the only place in Scripture where God states that He knew and planned a mission for someone before they were born. The fact of the matter is that God has called each and every one of us to serve Him according to a plan which God made before we were born. God knows our weaknesses and our limitations. He has taken them into account. When God calls us, we are not too young, or too inexperienced, or too old, for that matter. That does not mean that we should not be aware of our weaknesses and limitations. Instead, when we feel God’s call let us seek how we can overcome our limitations which might interfere with us fulfilling the task to which He is calling us.


    When God calls us to speak, He will put His words in our mouths. I strive to speak only the words which He has given me, but I know that sometimes I speak words which I should not, words which do not come from God. However, God warns us, just as He did Jeremiah, not to be afraid of the people. If we do not speak because we are afraid of how people will react to what we have to say, God will make us look foolish in front of them, or worse. People will fight against us when we tell them the words which God has given us, but if we are faithful to speak only God’s words they will fail.

August 6, 2016 Bible Study — Holier Than Thou?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 64-66.

    Since the beginning of time, no one has seen or heard of another god like our God. He is ready to welcome and aid those who gladly do good, yet quick to pour out His anger on those who defy Him by treating others wickedly. Despite this all of mankind fails to do good. Each and every one of us has sinned and deserve God’s wrath. Our good deeds pale in comparison to our wicked actions. Even so, God molds us a potter molds clay. He is working to form us into a vessel which will bring honor to His name.


    There are those who go their own way and worship idols while claiming to worship God. They are busy doing things which God declared to be an abomination while declaring themselves more holy than others. As I read this passage I am reminded of a link I saw posted on Facebook today. It talks about how those who preach prosperity through faith are preaching a false gospel. We cannot worship God and money, or fame, or sex. There are many things which we worship in God’s place, and most of them boil down to worshiping ourselves. I am really torn here because I do believe that we need to focus on the message Scripture has for us, rather than the message we see directed at others. Yet, I see so much of this passage which describes so many in our society today. However, I will also point out that there is a portion directed at us. Let us not give in to the temptation to consider ourselves more righteous than others. I know that I am a sinner who desperately needs God’s forgiveness and grace. Nevertheless I need to constantly remind myself that I am no better than those whose sins seem so obvious to me.